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【新唐人2013年03月11日讯】一直备受各界关注的大陆 国务院〝大部制改革〞方案终于出炉。新一轮大部制改革由即将接任总理的李克强主导,政治局委员汪洋操刀。整合后,铁道部、国家新闻出版总署等部委将被撤并,国务院正部级机构将减少4个。
蓝述也指出,中共所做的机构调整是〝治标不治本〞,并不能化解中国 大陆的危机。
蓝述:〝中共也看到了所面对的危机,它也想做一些事情。但是问题 的核心、问题的根本他们不去动。那就是——中共的问题。因为中国社会的一切核心问题就是中共。〞
原大陆史学教授 刘因全:〝原来那样呢,它的行政部门和企业合在一起,弊端很多。原来那个铁道部长刘志军贪污腐败那么严重,也与铁道部的这个体制政企不分有关系的。〞
北京《国情内参》首席研究员 巩胜利:〝其实中国大部制改革搞了10几年了。但现在一直都没有到位。比如这一次可能一些比较大的部,还没有到位。可能接下去,还要来(整合)。〞
采访/刘惠 编辑/李谦 后制/萧宇
China State Council Reorganizes. Ministry of Railways Dismantled
The Chinese State Council recently proposed institutional
reform and the transformation of government functions.
This will be conducted by the incoming Prime Minister,
Li Keqiang, and operated by Politburo member, Wang Yang.
According to the proposal, the Ministry of Railways will be
dismantled, with press and broadcasting regulators merged.
A total of four organizations under the State
Council will be either dismantled or merged.
In the morning of the 10 March, State Councilor Ma Kai
announced the Chinese State Council institutional reform
and transformation of government functions proposal,
to the annual session of the National People’s Congress.
Seven agencies will be affected.
These include; the Ministry of Railways; Health Ministry;
National Population and Family Planning Commission;
State Administration of Food and Drugs; the
General Administration of Press and Publications;
the State Administration of Radio, Film and
Television; and National Energy Administration.
The Council will establish a new National
Health and Family Planning Commission.
It will elevate the food and drug
agency to general administration.
It will set up one organ to oversee the press,
publications, radio, film and television sectors.
The incoming Prime Minister Li Keqiang
is expected to lead the State Council.
Deputy Prime Minister Wang Yang will operate
the restructuring and merging of departments.
Political commentator Lan Su spoke to NTD Television.
The proposal is in reaction to the difficult economy,
the declining GDP, and the budget crisis.
Lan Su: “These are adjustments to cut unnecessary
agencies and staff, and to reduce social conflicts.”
Lan Su, however, did not believe this
restructuring would relieve the crisis in China.
This is because it did not reach the core of the problem.
Lan Su: “The Communist regime saw the crisis,
but would not touch the core of the problem.
The Communist Party itself is the core issue for China.”
The Ministry of Railways is a so-called “independent
kingdom”, dominated by former leader Jiang Zemin.
It is also dominated by the former secretary of the
Central Politics and Law Committee, Zhou Yongkang.
The corruption of the whole organization was
so severe that it carries a debt of 2.6 trillion yuan.
The former Minister of Railways Liu Zhijun,
and deputy chief engineer Zhang Shuguang, were respectively sacked due to corruption.
According to the proposal, the Ministry of Railways
will function under the Ministry of Transport.
This will allow it to fulfill its administrative functions
in technological standards and supervising.
The China Railway Corporation
will handle commercial functions.
Liu Yinquan, Historian: “The original Ministry of
Railways suffered the disadvantage of overseeing
both administration and commercial functions.
The corruption scandal of former Minister of Railways
Liu Zhijun is related to this doubling of responsibilities.”
How will the huge liabilities left behind
from the Ministry of Railways be handled?
According to the incumbent Minists
Sheng Guangzu, state finance will pay for
the welfare check from the Railway Ministry.
That means taxpayers pay for
the consequences of corruption.
The food safety issues in China are getting worse,
with the incidents of toxic infant formula and gutter oil.
They have pushed the ministry-level
General Administration of Food and Drugs.
They have merged the State Food and Drug
Administration under the Ministry of Health
and State Council’s Food Safety Office.
A national health and family planning
commission will be established.
They will merge the existing Health Ministry
with the widely criticized National Population
and Family Planning Commission.
State Electricity Regulatory Commission will be dissolved
and a new National Energy Administration will be set up.
Two press and broadcasting regulators will be merged.
Gong Shengli, Veteran Journalist: “Reorganization
of the regime has been done for the past 10 years.
It never quite gets to the point.
This time it was done on a larger scale, but still didn’t
get to the point. This type of reform will continue.”
Gong Shengli took rural urbanization as an example. There
are issues of the migrants identities and of land transfer.
That means reform of Ministry of Agriculture
and the Ministry of Land and Resources are necessary but this has not happened.
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