Wednesday, January 8, 2014


中共当局对互联网频频〝亮剑〞,自去年下半年掀起全国网路严打后,日前有消息透露,中共即将成立〝信息化和互联网信息安全领导小组〞,中共三大巨头亲自上阵管理网路,说明什么呢? 请看本台记者李韵的报导。


北京时政 观察人士华颇指出,中共三大巨头亲自上阵管理网路,说明中共将掀起新一轮更严厉的网络打压。

北京时政观察人士华颇:〝网路对于中共来讲是一个大患,因为各种信息它用传统 的手段已经控制不住了,像以前它可以控制传统的报纸、媒体、广播电台和电视台,那是中共筹办的,所以它控制信息、控制舆论驾轻就熟,但是网路兴起来之后,中共不可能一手遮天。〞

近年来〝网路反腐〞风起云涌,已成为中国 民众反腐败的一把利器。从〝名烟局长〞周久耕,到重庆〝〞,再到上海高院 法官集体 嫖娼等一系列事件中,都与民众举报 有关。


香港《》披露,自去年下半年以来,中共高层 已多次在内会议上,就媒体,特别是互联网,出现反毛、反共、否定社会主义制度的现象,发出指示,说不能容忍挑衅,因此呼吁各级官员要〝敢抓敢管、敢于亮剑〞,并警告,如果不还击,将〝亡党亡国〞。

1月3号,中共公安部长郭声琨在《人民日报 》呼吁,所谓抵制西方反华意识形态渗透、打击境内外敌对势力,要确保政权安全,加强网路管理等。另外,中共中央政法委秘书长汪永清也发声说,面对涉及中共领导等原则问题 挑衅,〝必须敢于亮剑,决不做骑墙派〞。






到了8月,中共下令对网络〝亮剑〞,于是掀开全国互联网严打行动,大肆抓捕网路活跃人士,短短几天内就有数千人被抓捕。拥有数千万粉丝的网路〝大V〞名人薛蛮子被拘捕,罪名却是〝聚众淫乱〞;而网上声援支持〝公盟〞维权 组织的富豪王功权,则以〝寻釁滋事〞理由拘捕他。


时事评论员林子旭指出,中共越是这样从上到下的折腾,越说明中共在网路管理环节上的脆弱,同时也让人们看出中共的恐慌。除非中共〝断网〞,否则的话,中国社会的舆论环境,在民众的争取之下,必然会越来越自由。看清了真相的民众,最终也必然选择 抛弃中共。

采访编辑/李韵 后制/孙宁


The Chinese regime repeatedly cracks down on

the social networks.

Last year it launched national online suppression.

Recently, sources said that the Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) will form an “IT and Internet Security Leadership Team”

Xi Jinping will be the team leader.

Beijing senior media person Gao Yu reveals that

Xi is the team leader, Premier Li Keqiang and propaganda

minister Liu Yunshan are the deputy team leaders and

director of IT office Lu Wei is the office manager.

Hua Po, Beijing current affairs observer says that

the three top leaders control the internet in person,

indicating that a new wave of internet sweeping will be launched.

Hua Po: “Internet is the CCP’s big concern. Because it cannot

control the internet with traditional ways of suppression.

In the past, it could control newspaper, media, tv and radio,

which were established by the CCP, so it is used to controlling them.

After the internet developed, the CCP couldn’t simply

cover up information.”

In recent years, anti-corruption online campaigns

have appeared one after another.

It becomes a sharp tool against officials’ corruption.

Such as the embezzlement of luxury cigarettes incident,

Chongqing official’s sex video and Shanghai judges group

hire of prostitutes incident.

They were all reported by civilians via the internet.

After the CCP’s 18th national meeting, nine high-ranking

officials at deputy-minister level and above were dismissed.

It included Liu Tienan, Li Chuncheng.

They were all related to the internet reporting.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily exposes that in the last half year in 2013,

at several high-level meetings regarding the media,

especially on the internet, there was a phenomenon

of criticism against Mao, against the CCP and against socialism.

Officials said they couldn’t tolerate such provocation.

They called officials at all levels to “manage and control the

internet bravely: dare to act.”

They warned, that without fighting back, the party and the

country will collapse.

On Jan. 3, the state police chief Guo Shengkun urged via

the People’s Daily that one must resist Western ideology

against China, must crackdown on hostile forces from

overseas, ensure the safety of CCP power and

strengthen control of the internet.

In addition, an official, Wang Yongqing also said that when

facing political challenge to the CCP’s leaders,

“one must dare to act, never be fence-sitters.”

Gao Yu says that the CCP’s policy of maintaining stability

has increased to the level of ideology.

Gao Yu: “Zhou Yongkang’s era also mentioned deadly

control of the internet and defense of the CCP.

Now social networks are being treated as the CCP’s big

concern which could collapse party and country,

thus suppression has risen to a higher level.

On ideology, they increasingly limit freedom

of expression and freedom of publication to a new level,

a restriction on such basic human rights.”

Hua Po says that control of the internet has failed, thus

they use dictatorship’s “iron fist” to forcibly launch this battle.

Hua Po: “The CCP repeatedly failed on the internet battle, so

it needs to strengthen control by setting up a high-level

control team.

They use this method to manage various resources

and forces to suppress the internet.

I think it is a continuation of the CCP’s common practice

of online suppression.”

In April 2013, the CCP issued a document about the status

of information on current ideology.

The document says that Western ideas on constitutional

democracy are the CCP’s “biggest crisis”.

In August, the regime ordered strengthening of

internet control. The serious crackdown on the internet was


Many online activists were arrested; in a short time,

thousands of people were detained.

Online big blogger Xue Manzi, who has hundreds of thousands

of fans, was arrested for soliciting prostitution.

Another big blogger Wang Gongquan, who openly

supports online sharing about the New Citizens’ Movement,

was arrested for allegedly “gathering people to disturb order

on a public occasion.”

Lin Zixu, current affairs commentator: “Now that internet

transmission has increasingly developed,

varied information is rapidly spread via

various channels in the public domain.

The CCP cannot simply prevent it, all suppression

is like holding wood to fight fire.

It can only further increase public desire

for freedom of opinion.”

Lin Zixu says that the more the CCP puts effort

into suppression, the more it indicates its weakness

in the management of the internet.

Meanwhile it makes people notice that the CCP is in a panic.

Unless the CCP shuts down the internet, the public will gain

more freedom of opinion in the struggle.

After seeing the truth, people will inevitably

choose to abandon the CCP.

采访编辑/李韵 后制/

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

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