Monday, June 23, 2014

【禁闻】调查境外NGO 中共内部通知疑被洩露

山西运城市官方网站 日前披露,中央〝安全委员会〞正部署对境外非组织和活动情况展开全面调查。目前,报导原文和转载文章 都已经被撤。有分析人士指出,中共向来掌握境外非政府组织的情况,但都是静悄悄的做,这次却被曝光,而引发关注。



大陆 深圳当代社会观察研究所所长刘开明:〝境外NGO在华的活动,它(国安委)要了解有关情况,肯定是它份内的工作,只是说,把以前可能分散在各个部门掌握的情况,总体上汇总过来。再一个就是,有一些可能不清楚的,要进一步摸清情况吧。〞


国社会问题 研究人士张健:〝对在华非政府组织进行察查摸底,也符合中共的一贯做法,最主要的原因是一旦和中共发生严重冲突的时候,它应该有这一套措施。国安委最主要的任务,第一要稳固国内,第二是把所有的资源针对国外。现在这些非政府组织机构在国内越来越多,这些机构也可能在今后中国 的政治风波当中会起到一个推波助澜的作用。〞


中国反政治迫害同盟 主席:〝可能是有人把这个消息透露出来,被发现以后,又下令删除,我想,不是官方正式的委托他们透露这个消息。〞




日前,中共中纪委驻〝中国社会科学 院〞纪检组组长张英伟,批评〝社科院〞的意识形态存在四大问题,其中一个问题是〝接受境外势力点对点渗透〞,〝社科院〞副研究员高程19号在〝微博〞透露,所内已开始填表调查个别学者与海外 机构,特别是非政府组织和基金会的来往和财务关系。


《路透社》评论指出,目前有许多外国NGO在中国境内运作,但多以工商注册。中共政府对其中的一些组织怀有戒心,怀疑 它们试图传播西方的价值观。



采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

CCP Internal Leak: Investigate Foreign NGOs

Yuncheng City official website of Shanxi Province disclosed

the National Security Commission (NSC) is deploying

investigation of foreign NGOs and their activities.

However, the post has been deleted.

It is analyzed that the Communist regime has secretly exerted

control over foreign NGOs.

However, the exposure of the fact is highly concerning.

On June 17, the official website of Yuncheng City disclosed

NSC’s unified deployment: a nationwide investigation

of foreign NGOs and their activities.

The investigation will leave no stone unturned.

The in-depth and meticulous investigation will target foreign

organizations, foundations, private non-enterprise units, also

associations, societies, research institutes

and other non-governmental, non-profit organizations.

Institute of Contemporary Observation in Shenzhen,

Liu Kaiming: “Foreign NGO activities in China are certainly

within the scope of the NSC duties.

It is an act to collect information as a whole.

It could also be an act to clarify what’s not clear in the past.”

The Chinese website,, also released an article

on June 20 about the NSC’s investigation of foreign NGOs.

Local governments engaged in the survey of foreign NGOs

at local level are Huoshan County of Anhui Province,

Pinghe County of Fujian, and local governments of

Guangxi, Shandong, and Guangdong, said the report.

China’s social problems researcher Zhang Jian: “The thorough

investigation of NGOs in China is in line with the CCP’s

practice, as a measure in the event of serious conflict

with the CCP.

The main tasks of NSC are to maintain stability in the country,

but also (to guard) against foreign forces in the country.

There are more NGOs in China now.

These NGOs could play a role in the political turmoil in China.”

This article by was quoted by many other

Chinese media.

However, these articles, including Yuncheng City website article,

are now all gone.

Chairman of Alliance of anti-political persecution Liu Yinquan:

“Someone could have deliberately revealed this information,

but was ordered to delete it.

I don’t think it’s officially commissioned to reveal the news.”

Reportedly, the Communist authorities demanded no public

talk from local officials about the investigation, to “avoid

concerns and speculation from domestic and foreign.”

International NGO Green Peace in China spokesman told

Deutsche Welle, it seems a leak of an internal notification.

Liu Kaiming: “Because Shanxi local government announced

the news, with the NSC specifically mentioned,

many Western media reported it based on this source.

The domestic NGOs and activities have been controlled

by relevant departments, but only secretly.”

Recently, Central Commission for Discipline Investigation

team leader stationed in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

(CASS) criticized the four ideological issues of CASS.

One of them is the penetration of foreign forces.

CASS Associate Researcher Gao Cheng revealed on the 19th

on Weibo, CASS has initiated a survey of individual scholars

associated with overseas institutions, in particular, financial

relations with non-governmental organizations and foundations.

It is understood that the regime requires all NGOs to be


The complex and difficult process has many domestic

and foreign NGOs operate without proper registration.

Many foreign NGOs also operate in China, though they have

traditionally registered as businesses as the approval process is


Beijing has treated some of them with suspicion, worried they

may try and spread foreign values, reported Reuters.

Zhang Jian: “The many tasks of the NSC are not in line

with the requirements of the Chinese Constitution, that’s why

secret investigation has been conducted, such as this one.

The exposure of the information has put the NSC as the enemy

of the people, of democracy. That’s why it is reluctant.”

Beijing NGO, Yirenping Center, Lu Jun revealed,

the NGO in China has a very short path and lacks resources

and experience.

The CCP is uneasy about international collaboration

and assistance.

The high-profile survey reflects the tension and concern of

the authorities, fearing the NGOs might shake its political


Interview/ZhuZhiShan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ChenJianPing

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