中共第十八届四中全会将在10月召开。日前,中共政法委召开会议,要求全体官员做到〝三个决不允许〞,包括:决不允许出现与中共中央决定不一致的声音,决不允许传播所谓的政治谣言等。有评论分析,在前中共政法委书记周永康 一案,被公布处理决定的前夕,〝三个决不〞有着统一论调的意味。
9月21号,中共中央纪委监察部网站 刊文说,从7月31号开始,中共政法委机关集中6个月时间,开展专题教育活动。政法委机关在最近一次会议上强调,全体政法委官员要做到〝三个决不允许〞:一,决不允许出现与中共中央决定不一致的声音,二,决不允许传播政治谣言,三,决不允许所谓的丑化党和国家形象。
时政评论员林子旭:〝这样的内容,中共如果愿意,完全可以私下去开会、私下去传达,这样高调报导说明中共内部的权斗已经到了公开的完全水火不相容这样一个地步,这个就是中共高层 在公开的向政法委喊话。政法委系统 虽然不是军队,但是多多少少也有一些武装力量,三个决不允许说出来,应该主要就是要震慑住一批人。〞
时政 评论员林子旭认为,从另一方面看,这个喊话,也有稳定人心的作用,希望以此来避免中共党内出现一些过激的局面。
中国 资深法学专家赵远明表示,政法委在过去10年是由周永康管理,但是,周本人知法犯法,把政法系统建成一个庞大的恐怖机构。现在政法委被中纪委当成整治的对像之一。
会议纪要还显示,〝国信办〞9月10号 ,针对周永康案的外围审理,也发布了四条禁令,包括各家媒体一律按统一部署操作;严格网上管理,加强网上引导,查删错误等。
报导说,这次的专题活动,除了根据中共政法委书记孟建柱的指示开展,也邀请了中纪委有关部门的人,要求今后对发生〝违纪问题 〞的官员,既要追究当事人责任,也追究相关领导的责任等。
赵远明分析,前中共党魁江泽民为了镇压法轮功,给政法系统开了不依法办事的先例,导致对法轮功学员的迫害,延伸到社会各个阶层,造成中国民怨四起,危机四伏。文章 中提到的〝将对相关责任人进行追责〞,含有警告意味。
采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭
Communist Regime Sets ‘Three No’s’ Ahead of Fourth Plenary
The Communist regime will conduct its Fourth Plenary
in October.
The Central Politics and Law Commission (CPLC)
demanded ‘Three No’s’ in a recent meeting.
The ‘Three No’s’ include no inconsistent voices
and no political rumors.
Critics believe the ‘Three-No’s’ are meant to unify prior
to the announcement of the decision on former Politburo
member Zhou Yongkang’s case.
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI)
recently announced that CPLC organs have conducted
a six month special education program since July 31.
In the latest CPLC meeting, the ‘Three No’s were decided–
One, no voices inconsistent to the Central;
Two, no spreading political rumors;
Three, no smearing the image of the Party and the State.
It is speculated that Zhou Yongkang’s case is to be decided
during the Fourth Plenary in October.
The Three No’s are thus believed to be for the purpose
of unifying opinions.
Current affairs commentator Lin Zixu: “Such content can be
absolutely conveyed via a private meeting if they’d like to.
This high profile report shows the intense infighting
of the Central.
This is the regime leadership’s public demand to the CPLC.
The CPLC organs are not the military, but do maintain
some armed forces.
The Three No’s means to intimidate a group of people.”
Lin Zixu believes this publicizing is also intended to stabilize
and avoid a radical situation from occurring.
Lin Zixu: “The downfall of Zhou Yongkang has caused
many people to panic, especially in Zhou’s lair, the CPLC.
Many of them have followed Zhou in many bad deeds.
They are all full of fear and despair.
These people are ready to gamble under the residual strength
of the Jiang faction.”
Senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming indicates that the CPLC
has become a massive terrorist organ with 10 years of ruling
by Zhou Yongkang.
The CCDI has treated the CPLC as a target of remediation.
Zhao Yuanming: “In fact in the CCDI, it has been mainly
due to Wang Qishan.
He realized that the CPLC, the public security,
and the judicial system are at a different pace than Xi Jinping.
Take Gao Zhisheng as an example, the public security
continues to harass him after his release.
That shows the CPLC is still under the influence
of the Jiang faction.”
Radio Free Asia reported on Sept. 16 that informed
State Internet Information Office (SIIO) meeting minutes
show that hundreds of people have been implicated
in Zhou’s case.
This includes former oil giant Jiang Jiemin and former
deputy secretary of Sichuan Li Chuncheng.
The minutes of the meeting on Sept. 10 detailed four
injunctions related to cases surrounding Zhou Yongkang.
It demands all Internet media must follow unified deployment
operations in strict Website management, online guidance,
and checking and deleting erroneous statements.
Zhao Yuanming believes both CPLC’s Three No’s
and SIIO’s four injunctions have confirmed each other
in content, and could have originated under the instruction
of the CCDI.
Zhao Yuanming: “I see now the CCDI is like an agency
on behalf of the CPLC.
The propaganda such as Liu Yunshan is also working
against Xi Jinping.
Liu Yunshanis is actually in the Jiang faction.
That’s why even the publicizing of this meeting cannot
go through Liu Yunshan.
Liu will only steal the meaning of the meeting.”
The CCDI release also indicated the special education
program was conducted in accordance with the instructions
of CPLC’s party secretary Meng Jianzhu.
CCDI is also involved in the program.
It demanded both officials with disciplinary issues and his
superiors shall be held accountable for the wrongdoings.
Zhao Yuanming analyzes that former regime leader
Jiang Zemin initiated the precedent of the illegal conduct
of the CPLC in order to proceed in its persecution campaign
against Falun Gong.
These officials’ illegal activities have extended to all levels
of Chinese society, causing widespread grievance.
The release regarding ‘holding superiors accountable’
contains a warning tone.
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:中共, 中共中央, 中共政法委, 中纪委, 习近平, 亚洲, 党, 刘云山, 周永康, 周永康案, 国信办, 孟建柱, 政治, 政法委, 政法委书记, 新唐人, 时政评论, 李春城, 江泽民, 江派, 法轮功, 王岐山, 自由, 自由亚洲, 自由亚洲电台, 蒋洁敏, 镇压法轮功, 高智晟
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