Friday, September 19, 2014

【禁闻】苏格兰人的公投 中国人的〝新鲜〞

中国 人来说,在国内媒体上看到关于〝独立〞〝分裂〞的报导,往往都伴随着严厉的警告,或者大段的抨击。但刚刚结束的苏格兰独立公投,无疑让中国人充满了新鲜感。到底有哪些看点,让中国人〝不看不知道,一看吓一跳〞呢?来看报导。



就在前一天,苏格兰将自己的命运,交给了人民。〝苏格兰应当成为一个独立国家吗?〞在只写着这一个问题 的选票上,超过400万名年龄满16周岁的苏格兰居民,做出了自己的选择 。这次公投的投票率空前的高,BBC苏格兰电台记者罗伯逊(Gary Robertson)说,官方总投票率为84.6%。甚至高于1950年大选时创下的83.9%的投票率记录。




苏格兰与英格兰签订联合条约,已经有300多年,即使这次考虑独立,但双方都没有剑拔弩张。在〝不独立〞的公投结果出炉后,苏格兰首席部长萨蒙德(Alex Salmond)也非常尊重民众的选择。

另外一个让中国人觉的新鲜的,是甚至有中文 版的选票在网上流传。许多大陆民众感叹:〝有生以来第一次看到中文选票〞。也有网民嘲讽:〝连移民苏格兰,英文不行的中国人都照顾到了,这不是抽我们政府的脸吗?〞还有民众质问:〝什么时候咱们也投一回票?〞。有网民则调侃道:〝这是干涉中国内政 〞。




中国《天网》负责人黄琦 表示,卡麦隆的话,体现了国家首脑,对于国家的意识,以及对公民权力的重视和尊重。



采访编辑/李韵 后制/

Scottish Referendum Is “New” to Chinese People

For Chinese people, domestic media reports about

“independence” or “separatism” are full of warnings, criticism.

However the newly ended Scottish independence referendum

is undoubtedly full of freshness for Chinese people.

What aspects surprised and enlightened Chinese people?

Here is the report.

“No independence!” is the referendum’s result Scottish people

heard when they woke up on the morning of Sept. 19.

After votes were counted all night, all results of 32

Scotish constituencies have been published.

According to BBC, there are 2,001,926 “No” votes

and 1,617,989 “Yes” votes.

About 55 percent of Scottish residents opposed Scotland’s

departure from the Commonwealth of England to become

an independent nation.

Scotland handed its destiny to its people the previous day.

The vote only asks one question, “Should Scotland become

an independent country?”

More than four million eligible Scottish residents

made their own choice.

The referendum’s turnout was an unprecedented high.

BBC Reporter Gary Robertson said the official turnout rate

was 84.6 percent.

That is even higher than 1950 election’s

83.9 percent turnout rate.

For most Chinese, the Scottish independence referendum

is definitely new to them – from the process to the result.

It is completely different from the CCP’s brutal tone

when it comes to “independence” or “separatism.”

Shanghai media professional Chen Minghui commented that

what’s most important to Chinese people is not the result

of the Scottish independence referendum,

but the enlightenment it brings.

Chen Minghui: “Scottish independence referendum itself

is a litmus test, which really terrified the CCP.

It said a lot things in the past, many of which

turned out to be lies.

It always said independence would bring riots, instability,

that the country would be chaos, and people would suffer.

Scotland did not become independent.

Even if it had, based on current situation, the situation

will still be peaceful.”

More than 300 years passed since Scotland and Britain

signed the Treaty of Union, but neither side had daggers

drawn when considering this independence.

Even after the “no independence” result was released,

Chief Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond,

also respected the people’s choice.

The other thing new to Chinese people is the Chinese version

of a ballot shown on the Internet.

Many mainland people lamented, “This is the first time

in my life I’ve seen a Chinese version of a ballot.”

Some netizens satirized, “Scotland even took into account

its Chinese immigrants.

Isn’t this a slap in our government’s face?”

Some people questioned, “When will we have a vote?”

Other netizens quipped, “This is an interference

in China’s internal affairs.”

Most shocking to Chinese people was British Prime Minister

David Cameron’s attitude when facing a part of the nation

requiring independence.

Before the referendum, Cameron told an audience

of Conservative activists, “If you don’t like me,

I won’t be here forever.

If you don’t like this government, it won’t last forever.

But if you leave the UK, – that will be forever.”

He urged Scottish people to save the UK,

instead of leaving.

After the result was released, Cameron promised to give

more opportunities to the Scottish Parliament.

Leader of Chinese “”, Huang Qi stated

Cameron’s words show the respect and recognition

of a head of democratic state toward state awareness

and civil rights.

Huang Qi: “The situation shows human rights

is greater than sovereignty.

It also presents a transparent and democratic

government administration to us.”

“For domestic people, this is the best way to conduct civil

rights education and state awareness education.”

“In mainland China, we were enclosed in this information

blockage for so many years.

I think we are shocked after seeing this situation.”

The CCP is facing issues in Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan,

and even Inner Mongolia.

Thus it wants to avoid the “independence” issue.

Related news are often censored.

Before the Scottish independence referendum, thousands

of people from Catalonia gathered in Barcelona, Spain,

asking for rights for a referendum on independence.

The CCTV sports channel even censored information

regarding football players who were involved.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/LiYong

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