Friday, January 2, 2015

【禁闻】新年献辞 中国网民力推哈维尔

每个国家的首脑在新年之际,通常都会发表新年献词。虽然不少新年献词就像政客一样,匆匆而过,很难给民众留下深刻印象。不过,有一个新年献词却受到了中国 网民的热捧,几乎每年都会被重温一遍,这就是已故前捷克斯洛伐克联邦总统哈维尔 ,在1990年发表的新年献辞。

哈维尔本身是一名持不同政见的著名作家,在执政期间,他曾多次因为发表反言论而受到判刑和囚禁。在1989年 12月的捷克斯洛伐克举行的第一次真正的中,出狱仅42天的哈维尔,被选为捷克斯洛伐克联邦共和国总统。几天后,他就发表了著名的1990年新年献辞。

哈维尔在这篇新年献辞一开头就表示,〝40年来每逢今天,你们都从我的前任那里听到同一个主题的不同变化:我们的国家多么繁荣,我们生产了多少百万吨的钢,我们现在是多么幸福,我们如何信任我们的政府,以及我们面临的前途多么辉煌灿烂。〞 但是哈维尔说:〝我相信你们让我担当此职,并不是要我将这样的谎言向你们重复。〞

对于国家面对的最大问题 ,哈维尔明确表示,并非经济问题。他说:〝最糟的是我们生活在一个道德上被污染的环境之中。我们都是道德上的病人,因为我们习惯于口是心非。我们学会了不去相信任何东西,学会了互相否定及仅仅关注自己。〞

哈维尔还在新年献辞中勾画了他的国家梦:〝我梦想的是一个独立、自信、、拥有繁荣的经济和社会公正的共和国,简言之是服务于个人,并因此希望个人也来为其服务的富有人性 的共和国。〞










在新年献辞中,哈维尔还指出,所有人都应该为曾经出现过的极权主义 制度承担责任,没有人仅仅是牺牲品,大家都是它的共谋者。



采访/田净 编辑/宋风

Chinese Netizens Highly Recommend Havel's New Year Greeting

Each head of state will issue New Year Greetings, although

most New Year greetings hardly impress people.

However, only one New Year’s greeting was reviewed

every year and highly recommended by Chinese netizens.

It was the late former Czechoslovakian President Havel's

New Year's greeting in 1990.

Havel himself is a well-known dissident writer.

During the Communist regime, he was sentenced

and repeatedly imprisoned due to several

anti-government remarks.

He was elected as President of the Federal Republic

of Czechoslovakia in the first true democratic election

in December 1989 only 42 days released from prison.

A few days later, he made his famous

1990 New Year Address.

At the beginning of his New Year Greetings, Havel said,

"For forty years you heard from my predecessors on this day

different variations on the same theme: how our country

was flourishing, how many million tons of steel we produced,

how happy we all were, how we trusted our government,

and what bright perspectives were unfolding in front of us."

However, Havel said, "I assume you did not propose me

for this office so that I, too, would lie to you."

Havel made it clear that the biggest problem the country

is facing is not an economic problem.

He said: "The worst thing is that we live in a contaminated

moral environment.

We fell morally ill because we became used to saying

something different from what we thought.

We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore one another,

to care only about ourselves."

Havel dreamed of the country in his New Year Message,

"I dream of a republic independent, free, and democratic,

of a republic economically prosperous and yet socially just;

in short, of a humane republic that serves the individual

and that therefore holds the hope that the individual

will serve it in turn.."

At end, Havel said: "People, your government

has returned to you!"

Well-known Chinese scholar and cultural critic Wang Xiaoyu

posted on his personal micro-blog, "Havel's 1990 New Year

message will be reviewed at this time each year.

Time is fast as the era of slow."

This micro-blog received more than 1,000 likes and was

reposted nearly ten thousand times.

It received more than 700 comments.

Some comments were from famous netizens.

A netizen said, "This is a must read New Year's greeting

for today's Chinese! Highly recommend!"

Many netizens asked, "People, when will your government

be given back to you?!"

Chinese Democrat Ma Qiang said that mainland netizens

are to get government back from Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) by citing Havel's New Year message.

The simultaneous old-fashioned CCP New Year Message

and Shanghai stampede incident made more people

lose confidence on the government and society.

Ma Qiang: "It is in fact a criticism of the CCP system.

But in a Chinese environment, it will be dangerous

for any person to stand up and criticize.

So they criticize the current social structure, political and

social ecology by borrowing Havel's New Year Message."

Democrat Xu Lin believes that the reason we revisit Havel's

New Year Message is not only because of its good writing,

good content, but also that it reflects the social change

and the people's awakening.

Democrat Xu Lin: "The situation is getting better and better

based on recent years' people's awaking, democratic

movement active degree and influence."

In the New Year message, Havel pointed out that,

"we are all – though naturally to differing extents –

responsible for the operation of the totalitarian machinery.

None of us is just its victim. We are all also its cocreators."

Heilongjiang Democrat Yu Yunfeng: "So the dictatorship

is the evil regime.

Shouldn't we have responsibility for it?

Can you just blame it on the political party?

No. In fact, they were just spoiled by Chinese people

on some points."

Yu Yunfeng believed if everyone initially changes their own,

not with evil, does what they can to help protesting social

injustice; the society will change.

Interview/TianJing Edit/SongFeng

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