Tuesday, February 10, 2015

【禁闻】刘汉被处死 评:震慑江氏集团

2月9号,前政法委书记周永康 的马仔、重大涉黑涉贪案主犯刘汉等5人,被执行死刑。分析认为,刘汉案是观察的一个风向标,同时对江泽民集团的党羽也起到了一种震慑作用。




50岁的刘汉原是四川汉龙集团的创办人兼董事长,曾位列中国 富豪榜第230位。2013年刘汉在北京首都机场被控制,之后刘维等人相继被逮捕。



时政 评论员古春秋:〝一个是说,它释放出如何处理周永康案的一个信号,第二个它可能释放出对江泽民集团的一个震慑的信号。刘汉跟周永康家族是很密切,他是在周永康的庇护下逐渐的形成了一股黑社会的力量。〞




北京时政观察人士华颇:〝周永康是中共罕见的一个大奸大恶之徒,他是走哪儿都会结党营私,大贪特贪,他可以说是在政法系统 、四川省、国土部、石油系统都埋伏下了大量的人员,可以说是中共有史以来最大的权臣,官商勾结、纵容黑社会等等。〞



近期,在阵营的〝反腐〞过程中,从地方到军队,从江泽民的老巢到发迹地,都有江氏成员落马、免职,或者是被抓、被查等。2月3号,中纪委监察部网站 强调,在贪腐问题 上没有人有特权,没有人是〝〞。古秋春分析,〝铁帽子王〞这个说法,加上刘汉被处死的消息,可能是为抓捕江泽民和曾庆红等进行铺路。

采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭

Liu Han’s Execution Shocked the Jiang Zemin Team

On Feb. 9, Liu Han and four other criminals were executed.

Liu was a major criminal involved

in severe corruption and gang cases.

He was also the subordinate of former Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) Political and Law Committee Secretary

Zhou Yongkang.

Analysts believe Liu Han’s case is a signal

of the Zhou Yongkang case.

It also threatens the Jiang Zemin group.

The CCP’s official media reported on Feb. 9 that

the Supreme Court of Xianning Intermediate

People's Court approved the execution of major criminals

involved in severe cases of corruption and gangs,

including Liu Han, Liu Wei, Tang Xianbing,

Zhang Donghua and Tian Xianwei.

The indictment accused that the nature of Liu Han

and Liu Wei’s involvement in corruption and entanglement

with gangsters was extremely serious, including 17 offenses

such as organizing and leading underground societies,

intentional homicide, intentional injury, illegal detention

and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.

Liu Han and Liu Wei were formally prosecuted

on Feb. 20, 2014.

They were sentenced to death on May 23 in Xianning,

Hubei Province during the first trial and the conviction

was confirmed during the second trial on Aug. 7.

Liu Han, 50-years-old, was the original founder

and CEO of Sichuan Hanlong Group.

He was once ranked No. 230 on China’s Wealthiest List.

In 2013 Liu Han was taken away

at Beijing International Airport.

Soon after Liu We and others were also arrested.

Media previously reported that Liu Han was

a business partner with Zhou Yongkang’s son Zhou Bin.

Zhou Yongkang served as party secretary of Sichuan

from 2000 to 2002 before he became

CCP Minster of Public Security and party secretary

of the CCP Central Political and Legal Committee.

Zhou Yongkang had a strong influence over Sichuan.

On July 29, 2014, Zhou Yongkang’s investigation case

was filed.

Commentator Gu Chunqiu said the execution

of Liu Han and others released two signals.

Gu Chunqiu: "One signal sent is how

the Zhou Yongkang case would be handled;

the second signal is to threaten the Jiang Zemin group.

Liu Han had very close relationship with Zhou Yongkang.

He gradually built up his underground power

under Zhou Yongkang’s shelter.

When Liu Han was indicted in Feb. 2014, CCP media

revealed the bloody scene of this "mysterious rich"

building a bloody "black gold empire."

It also exposed Liu Han’s arsenal, including

three military grenades, assault rifles made in China,

20 U.S. pistols, 677 bullets and more.

The report also pointed out the Liu Han group

was suspected of many killings.

Due to his strong political and business networks,

only Liu Han’s bodyguard Chou Defeng was lightly

sentenced for four years in prison due to a series of murders.

All the other killers were not punished.

Not long ago a number of media disclosed that

Liu Han’s guns and ammunition all came from

the CCP Political and Law Committee.

Zhou Yongkang served many years as party secretary

of the Political and Law Committee.

Liu Han’s underworld organization was a private army

for Zhou.

It became the third armed forces of Zhou Yongkang

in addition to public security and military police.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po: "Zhou Yongkang

is an extremely cunning and evil CCP member.

He collided and built private networks wherever he went.

He planted many people in the political and legal system,

in Sichuan Province and the oil system.

He can be said to be the most powerful CCP official ever.

He colluded with the businesses and connived with gangs."

In January, CCP media talked about how to handle

the Zhou Yongkang and Xu Caihou sentencing.

It stated that most officials involved in corruption

with an amount over 100 million yuan

were sentenced to death recently.

Gu Chunqiu thinks it might be a signal that

Zhou Yongkang will be sentenced to death.

Gu Chunqiu: "As the subordinate of Zhou Yongkang,

Liu Han can be seen as a peripheral member

of Jiang Zemin’s faction.

His execution might release another signal

to threaten the Jiang Group.

We can see from lots of recent reports that

Xi Jinping is surrounding and eliminating

Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Zemin’s team."

Recently, along with the "anti-corruption" campaign

carriedout by Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, members

of the Jiang Zemin faction were dismissed, arrested

or investigated at the local government level, in the military

and in Jiang Zemin’s hometown.

On Feb. 3 CCP Central Discipline Inspection Commission

stressed on its website of the Supervision Department

that no one has privileges regarding the issue of corruption.

Gu Chunqiu thinks this statement and the execution

of Liu Han might pave the road for the arrest of Jiang Zemin

and Zeng Qinghong.

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