沈阳法轮功 学员荆渔曾经有一个健康和睦的家庭,他的姐姐荆天、荆采以及母亲陈军,都是因为修炼了法轮功,多种疾病奇迹 般的康复。尤其是自幼患有先天性心脏病的荆天,更是被医生断定,活不过三十岁,令家里一度愁云惨淡。但是,随着大姐荆天开始修炼法轮功,一切苦难都迎刃而解。
荆天的重获新生 ,使她身边的亲朋好友也开始纷纷修炼法轮功,但荆渔一家幸福的生活很快被打破了——1999年7月,一场由中共发动的,针对法轮功的迫害与镇压,使无数法轮功学员失去了自由,也使得像荆渔家这样,全家人都修炼法轮功的家庭,变得〝十室九空〞。
荆渔:〝1999年,中共当局对法轮功开始了镇压,我的母亲和两个姐姐为了向中共当局讲清真相,去了北京信访局上访 。母亲和二姐因此被关押在了沈阳市龙山教养院。而我的大姐仅仅因为去了天安门广场,打了一个‘沈阳大法弟子进京和平上访’的条幅,就被当局非法关押在唐山女子劳教所。她们分别被非法劳教三年。〞
荆渔:〝我的大姐为了抵制中共当局对她的非法关押,进行绝食抗议,遭到恶警对她的野蛮灌食,电击,并且长期吊到树上进行暴晒。而我的母亲在沈阳市龙山教养院,遭遇到了更为残酷的迫害。恶警丧失人性 的把电棍插进了我母亲的嘴里电击,造成她牙齿破裂,嘴唇烧焦上翻,甚至贴到了鼻子上。不仅如此,恶警还经常毒打我的母亲,造成她的一只眼睛失明。〞
采访编辑/张天宇 后制/舒灿
How Many Happy Families Have Been Broken in 15 years
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
There’s a disturbingly unique phenomenon
in mainland China’s labor camps and prisons.
The Falun Gong practitioners being detained there are often
whole families, couples, siblings, or parents and children.
Even the elderly and young toddlers can’t avoid persecution.
Many families who gained peace and health from Falun Gong
after a relative or the whole family learned it have now
become broken families, ruined after the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Falun Gong practitioner Jing Yu from Shenyang, Liaoning,
once had a happy family.
He and his sisters Jing Tian, Jing Cai and mother Chen Jun all
have stories of miraculous recovery from a variety of diseases
because of practicing Falun Gong.
In particular, Jing Tian had a congenital heart disease and she
was told by doctors that she wouldn’t live past 30 years old,
leaving a dismal gloom hanging over the family.
However, their agony was resolved after Jing Tian,
the older sister, started practicing Falun Gong.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Jing Yu: “My whole family began practicing Falun Gong in
1996, including my grandfather, mother and two sisters.
My mother had eight diseases including very serious diseases
in her gallbladder and shoulders, rheumatism and others.
My sister was suffering from congenital heart disease.
Within a few months of practicing Dafa
they’ve been completely restored to health.”
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Seeing Jing Tian’s recovery, her friends and relatives also
began practicing Falun Gong.
However, Jing Yu family’s happy life was soon be broken.
In July 1999, the CCP launched the persecution campaign
specifically targeting Falun Gong, taking freedom away
from countless Falun Gong practitioners, and destroying
countless families like Jing Yu’s who practiced Falun Gong.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Jing Yu: “In 1999, my mother and two sisters went to appeal
at the Beijing petitions office after the CCP’s crackdown
on Falun Gong started.
My mother and sisters were then detained
in Shenyang City’s Longshan Labor Camp.
My elder sister was illegally detained in the Tangshan
Female Labor Camp just for holding a banner that said,
‘Shenyang Dafa practitioner peacefully appealing to Beijing,’
on Tiananmen Square.
They were sentenced to forced labor for three years.”
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Jing Yu’s family were brutally persecuted
just like thousands of other Falun Gong practitioners’ families
because they won’t give up their belief.
In addition to beatings, electric shocks, and other tortures
that exceed the body’s endurance, the elder sister Jing Tian
had her blood drawn five times and almost became a victim
of live organ harvesting.
The younger sister was persecuted to near death.
Jing Yu had tubes inserted into his lungs
and his ribs were fractured from beatings.
Police beat his mother to disability.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Jing Yu: “My older sister faced force-feeding, electric shocks,
and was hung from a tree in the sun for long periods of time
for going on a hunger strike to protest her illegal detention.
My mother suffered more brutal persecution in Shenyang
Longshan Labor Camp.
The inhuman police inserted electric batons into my mother’s
mouth, resulting in broken teeth, charred lips and even nose.
The police have often beaten my mother,
causing her blindness in one eye. “
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong has gone on for 15 years.
Many Falun Gong practitioners can hardly get together with
their families because of long-term, repeated arrest
and illegal detention.
Some Falun Gong practitioners haven’t even seen their family
members since the persecution started.
Some of them were illegally given harsh sentences,
and never gained freedom.
Others lost their lives forever in the persecution.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Jing Yu: “My mother and sisters were illegally abducted to
prison again from homes immediately after their three year
detention ended, due to adhering to their faith.
Even not long after I started practicing,
I wasn’t spared persecution.
My two sisters and I were heavily sentenced
for 13 years and 10 years.
In December 2012, when we heard that the local police were
going to ransack our house, my frail mother fell down while
she was attempting to relocate materials clarifying the truth
about Falun Gong and never got up.”
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
However, harassment and intimidation of Jing Yu’s family
didn’t stop because his mother was tortured to death,
to the contrary, it became even more intensified.
Jing Yu and his sister had to risk their lives to exile due to the
endless persecution.
A wonderful family, fragmented since then.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Now, to avoid the same tragedy befalling the families of more
Falun Gong practitioners, Jing Yu and his sisters have joined
the wave of people revealing the truth about Falun Gong
to the world’s people who’ve been deceived by the CCP.
Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Su Can
本文标签:NSA, 中共, 劳教所, 天安门, 天安门广场, 恶警, 新唐人, 法轮功, 流亡海外, 真相, 自由, 警察, 镇压法轮功
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