Wednesday, December 31, 2014




12月30号,《路透社》援引与中共高层 有联系的人士指出,在调查令计划这件事上,中共现任总书记习近平并不是瞄准胡锦涛。


报导称,胡锦涛在2012年卸任中共总书记和中央军委主席,隔年卸下国家主席职务,成为1949年 以来,第一位〝裸退〞的中共最高领导人。

北京时政 观察人士华颇:〝周永康 家族、,他们都是以亲家、部属为纽带,进行一些利益的输送,而团派之间很少有利益的输送,只能说他们在一个系统 出身,所以习近平不会去打团派,更不会针对胡锦涛,因为他能够有今天这一份业绩,和胡锦涛当初的裸退支持是分不开的。〞

香港《经济日报》日前曾发表分析文章 指出,胡锦涛早已向身边人士重申,虽然令计划当过他的多年秘书和总管,但根本就不是〝自己人〞。



不过由于中共的体制和运行,充满着欺骗和交易,因此夏小强认为,不能简单地把令计划划分为哪个派系的人,但起码令计划担任长期间,在海外 推行政策,是与中共前党魁江泽民和前局常委周永康站在了一起。

12月29号,《人民日报 社》旗下《经济网》发表了《中国 经济周刊》一篇关于令计划的综合报导《一个家族及其贪腐朋友圈的落幕》。报导指出,随着反腐大网的收紧,山西官场引爆地震,今年2月到8月,就有7位副省级官员落马,令氏家族在其中盘根错节的关系被抽丝剥茧,令家的没落是必然的结局。





令计划被公布调查之前,北京政坛发生了两件大事。一是中共军方37名军头集体 撰文,力挺习近平,二是首次向部、中办等中共中央7个重要部门派驻纪检组。外界认为,这些迹象皆显示了〝打虎行动〞已进入短兵相接阶段。

蓝述指出,随着令计划案的深入调查,将有更多的阻挠周永康案结案的中共高层 人物和利益集团会被整肃。

采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/李智远

Reuters: Hu Jintao Agreed to Investigate Ling Jihua.

The investigation of Ling Jihua, former Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) General Secretary Hu Jintao's aid, had outsiders

believe Xi Jinping was targeting Hu and his cronies. Reuters,

however, recently cited sources that negate this claim.

Sources also revealed that Hu agreed to and supported the

investigation when consulted.

Ling Jihua, a member of the Youth League Faction, also

known as Tuanpai, was be an aid of Hu Jintao.

His post as head of the party's General Office of the

Central CCP Committee had him seen as Hu's crony.

The investigation of Ling made people concerned over

the relationship between Ling, Hu and the Tuanpai.

Reuters reported "In investigating Ling, Xi was not targeting

Hu," one individual with ties to the leadership said.

The source said, "Hu did not (try to) block the investigation.

He agreed to and supported it when consulted."

Hu stepped down as party and military chief in 2012

and as state president in 2013.

It is the first clean handover of power since the People's

Republic of China was founded in 1949, added Reuters.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po, "The Zhou family and the

Ling family have all transferred profits using relatives and

subordinates as the conveyer belt.

The Tuanpai has relatively less profit transfer or perhaps

because they were all in one system;

So Xi Jinping will not attack Tuanpai or target Hu Jintao.

Xi's status today has benefited greatly

from Hu's complete handover of power."

Hong Kong's Economic Daily News reported that Hu Jintao

reiterated long ago that Ling was never "one of his own"

even though Ling had been his secretary and manager.

However, Ming Pao Daily News pointed out that Ling has

won Hu's trust.

Ling was once expected to enter the core

supreme power of the CCP.

So, which faction does Ling Jihua belong to?

Commentator Xia Xiaoqiang analyzed in his article: Ling's

father, Linghu Ye was close to Bo Yibo, Bo Xilai's father.

Ling Jihua was transferred from Tuanpai to the party's

General Office.

However Hu Jintao was very careful and conservative.

Without Bo Yibo's powerful family support at his back,

Ling wouldn't have been promoted to the central authority.

Xia Xiaoqiang does not believe Ling Jihua can be simply

categorized into a faction because the regime's Communist

system and operation is full of deception and trade.

But, at the least Ling was aligning with former CCP leader

Jiang Zemin and former Politburo Standing Committee

member, Zhou Yongkang, because he pushed the overseas

persecution of Falun Gong as head of the United Front.

The Dec. 29 issue of China Economic Weekly, had an article:

"The end of corruption for a family and his circle of friends".

The article reported the inevitable downfall of Ling's family

along with the drawing up of the anti-corruption net.

A quake in Shanxi officialdom has led the downfall of 7

sub-provincial officials between February and August.

Ling's family was unraveled in the tangled relationships

among these officials.

Xinhua News Agency reported on its Weibo that Xi Jinping

told the Politburo meeting: no gang, group or clique can be

tolerated in the party.

Hua Po, "Among the party disputes, Xi wants to form

his own centralized authoritarian.

He has to defeat each vested interest group

and break through them to remove the barriers.

That's why he's attacking each family of power and

influence, such as the power sectors or local warlords."

However, commentator Lan Su believes the downfall of Ling

is closely related to the delay in concluding Zhou's case.

Lan Su: "The investigation on Ling Jihua, I believe, is mainly

for the ultimate settlement of Zhou's case.

Zhou's case has yet to be concluded.

It clearly shows that the Beijing leadership is faced

with many difficulties which need a breakthrough.

Ling Jihua is obviously the point to break through."

Before Ling was under investigation, two major events

took place in the Beijing political arena.

First, 37 top officers of the Chinese military collectively

pledged allegiance to Xi Jinping;

Second, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

deployed inspection teams to be stationed in 7 government

sectors such as the United Front Department and the

Office of the CPC Central Committee.

The outside world believes all these signs show the

"Tiger Campaign" has entered the close combat phase.

Lan Su believes investigating Ling will result in further

purges of senior officials and interest groups.

This is expected to continue to hinder the

conclusion of Zhou Yongkang's case.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan

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