一只鞋拔子,给前年落马的原南京市长季建业增添了噱头。南京某寺的方丈,送了一个鞋拔子给季建业做纪念品,说鞋拔子意味〝提拔〞,是仕途的好帮手。结果第二天,也就是2013年10月17号,季建业就被中纪委直接〝拔〞去调查。而在中共的官场里,类似这样的怪事还有很多,就连《人民日报 》都忍不住发声批评。来看报导。
季建业的〝鞋拔子〞并不孤单,在中共官场里,与它为伍的还有大小各异的石头、桃木弓箭、铜镜之类的〝小玩意〞,以及迁坟、造桥、给白洋淀灌水、加高天安门 旗杆、搬走天坛土山等〝大手笔〞。乍听之下有点荒诞,然而它们的背后,都必然有一名贪官,和一名所谓的〝大师〞。
中共高官〝不信马列信大师〞早已经不是秘密。中国 民间一直流传,第一代中共党魁毛泽东虽然号称〝无神论者〞,发动文化大革命破坏传统文化 ,但其实很迷信风水 。而近年来落马的中共贪官,很多都追捧所谓的〝大师〞,求他们支招以保政治生命。
《人民日报》4号刊登评论员观察文章 ,一边批判这些已经连贫困地区官员都效仿的〝信大师〞现象,一边老调重提,强调干部真正应该敬畏的是〝党纪国法〞。
时事评论员蓝述指出,共产主义破产后,中共官员、党员信仰缺失,转而寻求传统 的信仰,可是中国传统文化已经在文革中被破坏殆尽,因此贪官们并不理解信仰的真正含义,才会一边烧香拜佛,一边贪污腐败。
旅美中国问题 研究人士张健:〝因为中共的官员,大部分搞这种迷信的原因是什么呢?就是我们那句俗语‘不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门’。因为自己在这个位置上,他干了太多的亏心事。那么求平安,想靠神鬼庇护自己,来使自己继续升官发财。〞
除了既得利益阶层,中共思想体系的破产,已经让很多中国人选择 退党。
根据大纪元退党 网站 的统计,截止到2月4号,已经有超过1亿9千万华人声明退出中共的各级组织,这一退党大潮2004年由大纪元社论《九评共产党》引发,目前仍以每天10几万人的速度增加。
重庆的吴宵宵说,大学规定不是团员不能领毕业证,只得花了5元钱补办,领到毕业证后声明退团 。
采访/朱智善 编辑/尚燕 后制/黎安安
Communist Official's Faith in an Abbot
A shoehorn added extra publicity to former Nanjing Mayor,
Ji Jianye.
It was given by an abbot from Nanjing.
The shoehorn was said to help one's career.
The next day, Oct. 17, 2013, Ji was put under investigation
by the central disciplinary organ.
Similar gimmicks are widely seen in the Communist regime.
Even party mouthpiece People's Daily commented
on this weird phenomenon.
Let's take a look.
Ji Jianye's shoehorn is not alone in Communist officialdom.
There are also minor gadgets such as stones, wood bows, bronze
mirrors and major activities such as relocating graves, building
bridges, irrigation to Baiyangdian Lake, heightening the Tiananmen
Square flagpole, removing the hill from the Temple of Heaven.
It may sound absurd, but they are present with a corrupt official
and an abbot, or so-called master.
It is a known fact that Communist officials
"believe in no Marxism–Leninism but the master."
Mao Zedong was said to be completely into feng shui,
even though he claimed to be an atheist
and initiated the Cultural Revolution to destroy
traditional Chinese culture.
Many of those sacked corrupt officials had worshiped
a master of their own for safeguarding their political career.
For example, a master had promised former Railways Minister
Liu Zhijun a "stone of patron" to prevent him from downfall;
former Tai'an Municipal Party Secretary, Hu Jianxue, diverted
a section of highway for the construction of a bridge.
Hu was told by a master that his career needed a "bridge"
for good connection.
Former Sichuan Provincial Party Deputy Secretary,
Li Chuncheng, spent tens of millions of yuan on a Taoist rite
for his ancestral graveyard.
People's Daily criticized that this "trust in master" phenomenon
is ubiquitous and even observed in regions remote
and poverty stricken, and lectured it's the discipline of the party
and rule of law that officials should worship.
Why is the master obeyed rather than the discipline and rule?
Commentator Lan Su: "None of the party members or cadres
would follow the so-called discipline or rule
because Communism, the foundation of the discipline
and rule, has completely gone bankrupt.
Every Chinese knows the reason by heart,
but no one can openly recognize it."
Lan Su indicates that since faith in Communism is gone,
officials and cadres have turned to traditional beliefs.
However, none of the corrupt officials understand the true
meaning of belief due to the destruction of traditional Chinese
culture during the Cultural Revolution.
Therefore, the corrupt officials worship heavenly beings
and conduct corrupt deeds at the same time.
China issue researcher Zhang Jian: "The majority of officials
are superstitious.
Why? It is like the old saying, "A clear conscience fears
not false accusation."
Their misconduct has worried them.
That's why they rely on these superstitious tricks
to seek security and fortune."
The bankruptcy of Communist ideology has caused both vested
interest groups and the ordinary Chinese choose to renounce
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
According to the data collected by the Epoch Times website,
more than 190 million Chinese have renounced the CCP
and its associate organizations as of Feb. 4.
This wave of quitting the CCP started after 2004
when the Epoch Times issued the editorial series,
"The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party".
More than 100,000 of Chinese are continuing
to quit the CCP on a daily basis.
Last year, the CCP claimed there were about 86.68 million
Communist Party members, and 89.49 million Communist Youth
League members by the end of 2013.
Many of the announcements from those who renounced
the CCP showed how they were forced to be part of the data.
On behalf of a total of 6 people, Liu Guang stated that
the unit party secretary had to take a fake photo of people
who actively joined the membership
to fulfill a task from a superior.
Unwillingly and in disgust, the photo was taken
but the 6 people collectively renounced the party afterwards.
Wu Xiaoxiao from Chongqing City described that she had to
spend five yuan to apply for membership in order to
receive her diploma.
She immediately renounced the Communist Youth League
after her diploma was received.
Jia Zi is someone who shared a similar situation.
She refused to join the CCP organizations, but the work
place regulated everyone to be a member of the Communist
Youth League.
Reluctantly, she filled the form and paid the 60 yuan
application fee.
But she renounced it after the application was submitted.
Zhang Jian: "I reckon that no one is willing to get close
to such an evil party.
For the sake of livelihood, people are forced
to deal with this evil organization."
Zhang Jian is sympathetic to the situation the mainlanders
are facing and hopes that they will keep a distance
from the bankrupt CCP.
Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/Li Anan
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:TAO, 中共, 中共贪官, 中共高官, 中纪委, 九评, 人民日报, 共产主义, 共产党, 刘志军, 大纪元, 天安门, 季建业, 政治, 文化大革命, 新唐人, 李春城, 毛泽东, 美中, 胡建学, 腐败, 贪官, 退党, 邪党
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