Friday, February 6, 2015


中国 大陆的民谣乐团〝小娟与山谷里的居民〞,2007年曾被誉为当年度〝中国最温暖的声音〞,而乐团鼓手于宙却在第二年大年三十突然离奇去世。直到今天,于宙逝世的消息仍然在大陆被掩盖着,但于宙却没有被人们遗忘。












当年代理 于宙妻子许那案件的程海,回顾七年前再对比今天,指出环境有所改变,受害人要用的手段惩治犯罪。

程海律师 :〝不仅仅是发声的问题 ,要采取法律 的手段来惩治这些犯罪。因为我们国家的法律没有明文规定,信仰法轮功 ,宣传、制作这些宣传品是犯罪。所以你一告,就能讲他们是犯罪。所以不仅仅帮我们的被告人,信仰者进行无罪辩护,更主要的是控告这些办案的人员在犯罪,他犯的这叫‘徇私枉法罪’。〞

而七年以来,随着对法轮功学员的迫害日益曝光,被废除,越来越多的维权 律师为法轮功学员做无罪辩护,大批民众按手印,要求停止对法轮功的迫害。

采访/编辑/尚燕 后制/肖颜

The Musician Who Perished Seven Years Ago

Folk band Xiaojuan & Valley Residents was hailed

as "China's warmest voices" in 2007.

Drummer Yu Zhou, however, passed away right before

the Chinese New Year the next year.

While his death is still being concealed in China today,

Yu Zhou has not been forgotten.

His harmonica once brought people to the secluded valley.

His voice conveyed warmth to people.

Yu Zhou: I bring you spring, leave winter to myself;

I keep the view of your back to myself,

give you my wholehearted self.

If you know the "Xiaojuan & Valley Residents,"

you should still remember the drummer and harmonica player,

Yu Zhou, a gifted musician from Peking University.

George, friend: Yu Zhou was very gentle and kind.

The Love Quotes was what he would always sing

to the audiences.

He sang with tears, I could feel that he's completely devoted.

The audiences were also very touched,

listening to him in tears.

Such a sincere and simple voice has left the world

for seven years.

The band was becoming popular, but Zhou Yu's sudden death

the day before Chinese New Year was not reported anywhere.

His death remains a sensitive keyword to the Chinese Internet.

In January 2008, the streets of Beijing were tense.

In the name of upcoming Olympics,

police check points were seen in every major intersection.

George: Yu Zhou had just finished the concert,

was driving home with his wife.

They were pulled over by the police who searched their car.

The Falun Gong practitioners would often bring a copy

of the doctrine, Zhuan Falun, to read.

It is people's freedom to read whatever they'd like.

But the police brought them to

Tongzhou District police station.

No one would have thought that this arrest would have ended

Yu Zhou's singing forever.

George: It was around the 11th day, on Feb. 6, when his family

was notified to hurry to Qinghe Emergency Center.

Yu Zhou was covered with a white blanket.

The family was restricted from getting close to Yu Zhou.

The family barely touched his leg and said the

leg was icy cold.

He was already dead.

On the Chinese New Year Eve, Feb. 6,

the 42-year-old Yu Zhou left the world.

The authorities refused to give the cause of death.

The family firmly requested an autopsy,

but the result was never revealed.

His wife, artist Xu Na, never saw Yu Zhou for the last time,

forbidden to attend the funeral,

was illegally sentenced to three years in prison.

Since he's gone, his music partners have expressed

their yearning with songs and fans constantly questioned.

Seven years have gone by, Yu Zhou has not been forgotten.

Every year on Feb. 6, he was commemorated on Twitter

as a musician persecuted to death for his belief.

Lawyer Cheng Hai was commissioned to handle Xu Na's case.

Looking back 7 years ago,

he indicates that the environment has changed.

The victims will punish the criminals through legal process.

Lawyer Cheng Hai: It is not just to speak out,

but also to punish the crimes by law.

Our law has not expressly indicated that believing in

Falun Gong, publicizing and producing

materials of information are illegal.

Therefore, it is clear that the authorities

have committed the crime.

That's why we will defend for our defendants, plead not guilty,

and sue those prosecutors for their crimes in malfeasance.

For the past seven years, there have been many exposures

of the persecution against Falun Gong.

Consequently, the labor camps were abolished, many righteous

lawyers have defended Falun Gong practitioners and massive

numbers of Chinese have demanded an end to the persecution

of Falun Gong with petitions endorsed with their thumbprints.

Interview & Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/XiaoYan

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