Thursday, February 13, 2014


总书记声言要〝坚决清除害群之马〞之后,日前,中共政法委罕见的公布了涵盖公安、检察院、法院、司法部4个系统 的10起违法案件,并承诺以后还会不定期的公布类似信息。评论认为,没有司法公正,只是公布几个政法系统里的违法者,解决不了任何问题





日前,大陆 〝新公民运 动〞倡导者许志永、等人被冤判,山东曲阜维权 者薛福顺〝被自杀〞,外界认为,这是中共政法系统有意制造的典型冤案。舆论抨击中共近期以来,再次选择 以〝恐怖治国〞不是〝以法治国〞。


中国 资深法学专家赵远明指出,中共前政法委书记在任十几年间,暴力维稳导致民怨沸腾。如今政法委选择向社会公布内部案件,显示出习、李政权法办的决心。



一是,非常严重的反党行为。二是,严重违反党纪国法,长期对中共高官及其亲属等进行秘密监听;三是,直接参与 的〝〞,并在〝重庆事件〞爆发后,对中央竭力掩盖真相;四是,严重贪污,买官卖官,组织集体 淫乱等。



采访编辑/李韵 后制/周天

Xi – Eliminating “Evil Members of the Herd”

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping

vowed to “resolutely eliminate evil members of the herd.”

Shortly there-after the CCP Politics and Law Committee

announced ten illegal cases across the police, prosecution, courts

and the justice department systems,

and committed itself to publicize similar information in the future.

Critics say outing a few political and legal system offenders

cannot solve any problem, without a fair justice system.

Six of the 10 cases announced by the CCP’s

Politics and Law Committee were not reported before.

Two of the cases involve the Ministry of Public Security

and the Supreme Court,

other cases involve the Politics and Law Committee

below the provincial level.

The highest level officials involved in these illegal cases are:

the former Secretary-General of the

Supreme Court Advisory Committee Liu Yong,

who was suspected of accepting bribes of over 2 million yuan;

another is former director of the Ministry of Public Security

Identity Card Key Management Center Tong Jianming,

who was suspected of accepting bribes of 2.23 million yuan

and exploiting his position for business backhanders.

Professor of Law at Southeast University in Nanjing City

Zhang Zanning pointed out

the Politics and Law system broke the protocol for announcing

internal illegal cases to the public in order to restore the

shattered credibility of the Politics and Law system.

But he thinks that merely arresting several offenders

cannot solve the problem without a fair justice system.

Zhang Zanning: “It published several bad cases on one hand;

on the other hand it is making more injustice and unfair cases.

So I think it is useless without fundamental institutional change.

Without an independent judicial system,publication of

several cases is of no use.”

Recently “New Citizen Movement” advocates

Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi and others were unfairly sentenced.

Human rights defender Xue Fushun from Qufu City,

Shandong Province “was suicided.”

The outside world thinks these are typical injustices

made by the Politics and Law system.

Commentators criticize the CCP’s recent behavior of

“rule of terror” instead of “rule by law.”

In the first half of January Xi Jinping claimed to

“resolutely eliminate evil members of the heard”

during the CCP Politics and Law meetings.

On January 29 Politics and Law Committee

party secretary, Meng Jianzhu published a long article

annotating Xi Jinping’s speech to show support for Xi.

On the same day prosecutor Li Zhong from Zhejiang

Province also warned that the rule of law should be

based on trial and that China cannot be a “police state,”

aiming at the expanding and dangerous power

of the Politics and Law Committee.

China’s senior legal experts Zhao Yuanming pointed out that

the CCP’s Politics and Law Committee former secretary

Zhou Yongkang’s violent maintenance of stability

during the past decade has led to anger among the people.

Today the Politics and Law Committee chose to announce

to the public its inside cases showing the determination of

Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang to solve the Zhou Yongkang case.

China’s senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming:

“Arresting his supporters and announcing their crimes

is to gradually push the Zhou Yongkang case to the front.

Zhou Yongkang’s case is not just corruption.

He attempted to overthrow Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang’s regime

by assassination.”

In the past two months foreign media have frequently released

information that the CCP would announce Zhou Yongkang

Group’s corruption case,

but there hasn’t been any news.

On February 12, China Liaoang magazine stated that

the Zhou Yongkang Group involves four problems.

First, serious anti-party behavior.


Second, serious breach of party discipline and long-term

monitoring of CCP senior officials and their relatives;

Third, direct involvement in Bo Xilai’s,”Smash the Black and

Sing the Red” movement and trying to cover up the truth after

the “Chongqing Incident.”

Fourth, severe corruption, buying and selling of official

positions,and collective promiscuous activities.

According to insiders, 381 officials were being investigated

before the Chinese New Year in the Zhou Yongkang case.

It is estimated that at least 10 percent of high-level officials

in the Politics And Law system were involved.

If an in-depth investigation continued,

a large number of officials in the system would be exposed.

It would lead to a big quake of the authorities.

However, Zhang Zanning believes that even if the CCP authorities

arrested all officials with issues,

it cannot eliminate the root of corruption and its negative effects

without an independent judiciary system and democratic constitution.

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