Thursday, March 13, 2014


〝两会〞期间,一架从马来西亚飞往北京的班机失联,班机中有153名中国 乘客。在全球媒体持续关注客机下落的同时,《央视》却大肆报导〝两会〞新闻。不过,飞机失踪事件却主导着中国社交媒体的讨论,网友们一致转发〝马航失联最感人视频〞挑战中共的舆论管理。

《BBC》〞报导,网友9号发布微博质问:大陆 的新闻联播为什么不把马航370救援的新闻放在头条?有任何的事情比一百多个国民的生命更重要吗?




原〝首都师范大学教育科学 学院〞副教授李元华表示,中共当局所有的举措,好像都是为了维护和不冲淡〝两会〞的主题。

原首都师范大学教育科学学院副教授李元华:〝再有一个它也怕大家在这个过程当中去看到了,虽然是马航事件,但是可能看到了中国方方面面那种不尽人意的。或让大家去分析的时候,到最后很多问题 可能出自于中国方面的,包括那个机票都是从南航去出的,那是不是我们的安全也有问题呀。〞




李元华:〝自己的同胞在危难中,并不是真切的去关怀、或者为他人去着想,因为整个舆论也没有这种往善的方向去导引,所谓专家、所谓主持人他的那种反应,实际上就是受党文化 毒害的一个很本然的一个反应,就是很冷血,没有一个基本的同情心,或者对自己同胞没有基本的同情心。〞


李元华:〝一贯的暴政 模式,就是视百姓的生命不顾,所以,不管出了什么事情,就是它要宣传它自己的时候,它想做出一种亲民的样子,(却)很不自觉就是整个的国家的运行体制,就表现出来一种让正常人看了以后就是很伤心、甚至很痛恨的一种做法。〞




采访编辑/易如 后制/陈建铭


The Missing Malaysia Aircraft Challenges CCP Censorship

During the annual Communist party congress meetings, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MAS 370), which had 153 Chinese passengers on board, disappeared. While the world continues to be concerned with the whereabouts of the aircraft, state media CCTV News cares only about the congress meetings. Regardless, a video carrying a most touching message circulated widely on the Chinese Internet. This video challenges the media control under the regime.

The BBC Chinese reported on a Weibo user’s questions on the 9th which asked, “Why was news of flight MAS 370 not in the headlines?” and “Is there anything more important than hundreds of lives?”

Netizen “Ka’te Qiao” responded, “For more than 27 minutes CCTV news talked about the congress meetings today, and covered the missing MAS in the final two minutes.”

A family member of MAS 370 passengers wrote, “My entire family was on the plane except for me. In the 30 minutes of CCTV News, the first sentence of the female anchor was, ‘Let us first look at the congress meetings.’”

On the evening of the 8th, Sina Weibo’s certified Chinese reporters confirmed orders from the Central Propaganda Department as follows: No media reporting on MAS 370; No analysis or commentary about MAS 370; Reports on MAS 370 must strictly comply with the authorities information and releases from Xinhua News Agency; Continue to emphasize reports of the congress meetings.

Former Capital Normal University Associate Professor Li Yuanhua sees the order as the regime’s attempt to maintain a high profile during the Communist congress meetings.

Li Yuanhua, former Associate Professor, Capital Normal University: “The CCP is also worried that through analysis of the incident, people will see the utisfactory side of the CCP. Many issues could hit the CCP regarding security since the tickets were issued through China Southern Airlines.”

During the evening show on the 10th, CCTV host Shui Junyi conducted a discussion with an expert regarding the in-air disintegration of MAS flight 370. Following their statement, “Where has all the aircraft debris gone?” they laughed.

Many netizens, after watching the show, expressed anger through online posts such as “The host could laugh in such a disaster. It is chilling.” Many more netizens demanded the apology from the host and CCTV.

Li Yuanhua comments that in communist countries, the cruelty of the communists has affected everyone.

Li Yuanhua: “There is no genuine care or concern for compatriots in distress. The entire society lacks kindness. The reactions of the so-called experts and hosts are in fact a natural response of those who have been intoxicated by the communist party culture. They have become cold-blooded and unsympathetic. There is no compassion for their own countrymen.”

The New York Times reported on the 11th that in the wake of the disappearance of MAS 370, the majority of whose passengers on board were Chinese, the Communist regime sought to manage discussion through “securing answers from Malaysia while deleting speculative social media comments in China;” but also “Ensuring that a tragedy that has shaken so many Chinese does not disrupt the National People’s Congress, now holding its annual meeting in Beijing.”

Li Yuanhua: “The Communist tyranny has consistently disregarded the people. Whenever there’s a chance to promote its image, what’s been displayed is actually very sad and disgusting.”

NY Times reported, “Yet the missing airliner has dominated social media and private conversations in China,” and challenges the regime in managing the discussion.

Li Yuanhua: “The CCP has conducted it ruling against all wills. Instead of providing comfort with compassion, they suppress, divert, neglect or ignore. In all, whatever the people care about, they will prohibit if they don’t care.”

A recent popular Internet video has widely conveyed the touching thoughts of the people regarding the missing MAS 370.

(video): “MAS 370, MAS 370, Control Radar wants to see you. If you copy, please keep your existing height, direct to the destination. Rest assured that we will provide application to you, and the kindness of other direct flights will also cooperate. We are very happy to offer you priority.”

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