Sunday, July 6, 2014


今年的7月7号,是抗日战争爆发七十七周年的纪念日,今年大陆 官方表现出高调纪念的姿态。由〝侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆〞、和《》共同筹办的 〝国家公祭网〞7月6号正式上线。历史 中的抗日战争,一直被掩盖,现在中共高调纪念,是为了什么?下面请看历史学者的分析。

大陆官方媒体公布,7月7号上午,中共高层 将到抗日战争纪念馆,隆重纪念抗日战争爆发七十七周年。同时,《》、《央广》和一批官方网站 都将直播。

1937年7月7号,日本在侵占中国 东北6年后,藉机挑起〝卢沟桥事变〞,正式全面发动了侵华战争。到1945年9月9号,日军宣告无条件投降。当时的〝中华民国〞政府军伤亡322万多人,其中阵亡的约132万人。中国军民总伤亡人数大约是3,600万。仅在当时的首都南京就有大约30万平民被屠杀。




李元华:〝中共一在国内遇到很大的难题,就要树立在海外 的假想敌,比如像、日本。拿日本一直作为一种王牌,因为日本在历史上有侵华战争。中共以所谓的爱国,把全民的精力都用在假想敌上面,而忽略中共自己的问题 ,转移百姓视线、情绪,好像它就有出路了。〞

大陆媒体连日来在头条板块,高调报导部分日本军人 厌倦军队生活想〝自杀〞,和吉林省档案馆保存的日军屠杀中国民众的记录,以及日军士兵的信件证实,日军在华使用化学武器、和细菌武器等日军侵华证据。






What’s Behind the CCP’s High-Profile Commemoration of Sino-Japanese War?

July 7 is the 77th anniversary of the Second Sino-Japanese

War, a war of resistance against Japan in China.

This year the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) shows

a high-profile attitude in commemorating the event.

A “National Memorial” website went online on June 6,

built by the Xinhua News Agency with sponsorship

from the Memorial Hall of the Nanjing Massacre.

Since the CCP has been covering up the truth of the

Second Sino-Japanese War, why such a high-profile

commemoration at the moment?

Let’s see what historians say about this.

The CCP media mouthpiece officially announced that,

in the morning of July 7, top party officials will visit

anti-Japanese memorials to commemorate the 77th anniversary

of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

CCTV, China Nation Radio (CNR) and many official

websites will broadcast the events live.

On July 7, 1937, the Lugou Bridge Incident erupted 6 years

after Japan’s invasion of Manchuria.

The incident marked Japan’s full scale invasion of China.

The war last until September 9, 1945 when Japan

unconditionally surrendered.

The casualties of the Republic of China (ROC) army

were over 3.22 million, with the loss of 1.32 million.

Overall Chinese casualties were about 36 million.

In Nanjing alone, then capital of the ROC, about 300,000

civilians were killed in a massacre by Japanese troops.

After coming to power, the CCP had always criticized

the ROC for fake resistance against the Japanese,claiming

that the CCP were the main resistance force.

But according to historical record, 10 days after the Lugou

Bridge Incident, Chiang Kai-shek made his famous speech

“The Limit of China’s Endurance,”

in which he said “we can only sacrifice and fight to

the bitter end” as the Japanese challenged that limit.

During the following war against Japan, the ROC

lost 206 general-rank officers. In comparison,

the CCP only lost 2 of its general-rank officers.

Li Yuanhua, former associate professor at Capital Normal

University:”No matter what the CCP says in its propaganda,

it can offer no evidence of any real fight against the Japanese

in the main battlefield.

The truth is the CCP had been gathering strength for

usurpation in our national crisis.

It was always the Kuomintang that was fighting on the major

battlefront against the Japanese, and we see many

national heroes arising among them.”

Since the war ended, the CCP has never asked for

indemnity from Japan.

Even after the exposure of Unit 731’s live human

experimentation and Chinese comfort women’s stories,

the CCP still never formally requests any indemnity from Japan

for those crimes.

The question is then why does Beijing hold a high-profile

commemoration of the war now?

Li Yuanhua: “The CCP attempts to target ‘imaginary foreign

enemies’ such as the U.S. and Japan whenever it has

big troubles in China.

Japan is especially preferred as it historically invaded China.

The CCP uses nationalism to distract Chinese people, making

them only think about ‘enemies’ instead of

the Party’s own problems.

It tries to ‘solve problems’ by manipulating Chinese

people’s attention and sentiments”.

For days, Chinese media publish headline stories about

the war including how some Japanese soldiers had

intended to commit suicide due to war-weary feelings,

records of Japan troops slaughtering Chinese in Jilin,

and Japanese soldiers’ letters as evidence that Japan had

used chemical and biological weapons in China.

Liu Yinquan, former Chinese Professor of History:”The CCP

wants to distract our people.

When domestic problems become bad, the Party will

intentionally create tension with foreign countries

to ease the situation.

Currently many are seeking democracy in China and

Hong Kong people are fighting for universal suffrage.

Bombings and murders are also frequently seen lately.”

A Chinese history professor:”The letters were written by

the soldiers who participated in the battles in person.”

“These historical records prove that Japan sent military

forces, including the notorious Unit 731,

with biological weapons to use in the war”.

Liu Yinquan: “Those records must have been there

for a long time.

The CCP has intentionally hidden them as it is reluctant

to declare them.

Especially for traitors such as Jiang Zemin,

they are even more unwilling to do that.

I think the CCP will not make further moves on the issue

and probably it does that for propaganda purposes only.”

There are also records that former CCP leader Mao Zedong

7 times had “appreciated” Japan’s invasion of China.

The most famous one happened in September 1972 when

Japan’s Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka made apologies

for Japan’s invasion in his visit to China.

Mao immediately replied “I appreciate the Japanese army

for educating Chinese people”,

and even said “Without your help we would never

have been able to seize power.”

Interview edit / Don sound post-production

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