Friday, May 3, 2013


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【新唐人2013年05月04日讯】最新一期的机关杂志,发表了一篇《只有去中国 才能看到未来 文章 。文章一发表,在网络上马上引起热烈讨论。有评论指出,这样的文章,对起到稳定普通中国民众的情绪还是有作用的,但是对于稍微有思想的人就可以看出,是满纸荒唐言的漏洞百出。



大学〞校长 :〝我不知道他说的是哪些指标,比方说,这国家的度、这个国家的政治制度、这个国家的稳定因素,如果把这些都放进去的话,那印度还比中国早50年,因为印度半个世纪 以前已经实行民主化,这个国家的自由度是相当大的,比如说,宗教、游行集会自由、请愿自由,这些都已经是他们生活中的一个常态,那么在中国的话?这些自由都没有。〞

美国〝〞校长唐柏桥 表示,这篇文章还吹捧共产中国是汉唐以来,从未有过的盛世。唐柏桥说,这是最近几年来最荒唐的一篇文章。


文章作者认为,自建政以来,不断进行着政治体制,在权力传接、监督和制约方面,形成了的制度模式。但是,〝广播公司〞《》报导,宋鲁郑的文章高度肯定了中共的制度和发展成就,但并没有指出中国存在的问题 和可以改进之处。

中国员郭施亮,是《中国风险投资》特邀评论专家,他在博客 文章中表示:虽说当前中国属于全球第二大经济大国,但是当前的人均收入水准,仅处于全球第87名的尴尬位置。也有资料显示,中国工人的每小时工资仅有0.8美元,为全球倒数第一。




采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

When Will One See China’s Future?

An article, “By only going to China, one can see its future”,

was published in the latest issue of “Seeking Truth”.

This is a journal from the Central Committee

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

It has now become a hot topic for discussion on the internet.

Some critics have pointed out that articles like this

will help to calm ordinary Chinese people’s emotions.

However, if people consider further, they can

find this article is full of ridiculous statements.

The author of the article is Chinese scholar

Song Lu Zheng, who currently lives in France.

He stated in the beginning of the article:

“China is ushering in an era of self-confidence.

Today’s China is in its best period since 1840.

Today’s China has the best system since 1840.

Today’s China is the best developed country

of all major countries around the world.”

The article also compared Japan and India with China.

It stated that Japan is in a political

chaos and a financial mess.

India was said to be 10 years behind China

in terms of it’s economy and 30 years behind

China in terms of it’s social development.

It said Japan and India have serious social inequalities.

The author concluded that Japan and India were far behind

China in their developments over the past few decades.

Tang Boqiao, president of “Democracy University”

in the US: “I do not know what his indicators are?

If the political system and degree of freedom of a country

are also stability factors, India is 50 years ahead of China.

India is quite a large country, and it

implemented democracy half a century ago.

People in India have freedom of religion, freedom of

demonstration and assembly, and freedom of speech.

These have been part of their normal lives,

but you can find none of these in China.”

Tang Boqiao, said that this article even touted

Communist China for its peace and prosperity.

It said that it is the best since the Han and Tang dynasties.

Tang added, “it is the most ridiculous article in recent years.”

Tang Boqiao: “What he said regarding Japan’s political

chaos and debt-ridden finance is pure foolishness.

Japan’s politics are not currently chaotic.

In Japan’s parliamentary system,

people often step down or resign.

That is not a chaos; that is a

change in the political system.”

The author of the article believes that since the CCP’s

establishment, its ongoing reform of the political system,

power transition, supervision, and restriction have

created a model system with Chinese characteristics.

However, in a BBC report, it was suggested that although

Song Lu Zheng showed China a high degree of recognition,

with its present systems and developments, he failed

to name the existing problems or how to improve them.

Guo Shi Liang, finance commentator and special critic

for the “China Venture Capital,” commented in his blog.

“Although China is the world’s second largest economic

power, its current level of per capita income is only

ranked 87 in the world, which is rather embarrassing.

Different data show that the hourly wages of Chinese

workers is only $0.8, and the lowest in the entire world.”

It is understood that China’s cost in national

stability maintenance is ranked top in the world.

The Ministry of Finance publicized the yearly “public

safety” expenditure budget as 624 Billion yuan.

This is even more than the

military budget of 601 Billion yuan.

Meanwhile, the ratio of citizens /officials

in china today has now reached 20 to 1.

The annual civil servants’ consumption

has exceeded 900 Billion yuan.

Civil servants can use public funds for

gambling, prostitution, and escaping abroad.

One can find luxury government buildings everywhere.

Yet, a college education is equal

to 41 years of income for a farmer.

In China, 900 Million farmers do not

have the most basic public welfare.

One even needs a temporary

residence permit just to go into the city.

Regarding the article, “by only going to China,

one can see its future”, the BBC quoted the

words of a well-known science fiction writer.

“Science fiction writers should

re-learn how to describe the future.

Some netizens said that only after the collapse

of the CCP, one can see China’s future.”

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