Friday, November 14, 2014

【禁闻】党媒热炒杨金山 意在了结周永康?


拥有中将军衔的杨金山,是中共十八大后落马的最高军衔的现役军人 ,在只有41名军方委员的中,他是其中之一。

11月13号,中共喉舌《人民日报 》主管的〝环球人物〞大篇幅报导,7月2号,还跟中共国防部部长常万全外出访问的杨金山,3个月后,突然被官方宣布调查,原因却只有两个字--〝违纪〞,杨金山快速被查的原因引起外界猜测。


另外,杨金山还涉及到谷俊山案。报导说,谷俊山此前批给军区一大笔款项,时任西藏 军区司令员的杨金山,当时拿出其中的一部分给谷俊山。而且杨金山还可能卷入了四川省军区原政委叶万勇等人的腐败案。


时政 评论员蓝述:〝起来,很可能跟周永康等案子深入的去处理有一定的关系,因为周永康也曾经是四川,周永康的案子如果能够继续打开,对北京新一代的领导人深入的去调查江泽民的核心有很大的好处。〞




薄熙来倒台后,有海外中文 媒体称,重庆市长黄奇帆,揭发薄熙来手中掌握着两个集团军,还许诺如果政变成功,会让黄奇帆当总理。不过,这些在〝环球人物〞的报导中没有提及。

时政评论员蓝述:〝所谓的政变,我从来不把它当回事。对于中共内部来说,所有的政治斗争都是你死我活的,赢了就不算政变,输了就算政变。习李可能不会在政变上做太多的文章 ,他只是想把一些主要的跟政变有关的人,用反腐的形式把他们抓起来。〞

7月中旬,中共军委副主席许其亮在巡视成都军区后,表态要〝查一批人〞。那么,中共高层 是否要像对待周永康案一样,顺藤摸瓜,在军中来一次窝案大调查呢?





采访编辑/刘惠 后制/葛雷

Chinese Communist Party Media Intensely Report on Yang Jinshan, Does This Point to Zhou Yongkang?

During the 4th Plenary meeting of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in late October, it was revealed that Chengdu Military Region deputy commander Yang Jinshan was being investigated. On Nov. 13, CCP propaganda media made high profile reports that Yang is stepping down for five reasons. But public opinion believes that several core figures of the Jiang faction are involved in the case. These include former Central Military Commission (CMC) deputy chairman Xu Caihou, former military General Logistics Department deputy director Gu Junshan, and former Chongqing City party secretary Bo Xilai. Comments are that the report about Yang points to former secretary of Politics and Law Commission Zhou Yongkang.

Yang Jinshan, a lieutenant general, is the highest level active duty military sacked after the 18th National Congress. He’s one of the 41 military members on the central committee.

On Nov. 13, Global People following People’s Daily did a long report about Yang who went with minister of Defense Chang Wanquan on a visiting trip on July 2 was suddenly under investigation three months later by the government. The reason for his investigation is “violation of discipline. “Yang’s investigation quickly attracted speculation.

The report listed 5 reasons for Yang’s investigation, Including Yang’s close tie with Bo Xilai. Yang is suspected to have bribed Xu Caihou to buy an official position, and colluded with Xu on corruption cases.

Yang is also involved in Gu Junshan’s case. The report says Gu gave a large amount of budget to Tibet Military Region. Yang, commander of the Tibet Military Region at the time gave a portion of the money to Gu. Gu is also suspected of corruption cases with former political commissar, Sichuan Military Region Ye Wanyong.

Comment says the CCP high profile report is not related to Xu, Gu, and Bo who are “dead tigers” now. The real purpose is to target Zhou Yongkang’s case, another core figure of the Jiang faction. It’s also to prepare for catching other “big tigers” in the future.

Lan Shu, political commentator, “Yang Jinshan’s arrest indicates further developments of the Zhou Yongkang case. Zhou was formerly party secretary of Sichuan Province. If Zhou’s case can develop more, it will help CCP leaders further investigate Jiang Zemin.”

The report underlines the special relationship between Yang and Bo. Yang entered the army in 1969. He was then leader of the14th army group. When Wang Lijun fled to the US embassy in Feb. 2012, Bo visited the 14th army group with Chongqing representation. Public opinion believes that Xi was showing his power to Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang’s leadership.

Bo’s father Bo Yibo established the 14th army group, in Yunnan Province, controlled by the Chengdu military region.

When CMC Chairman Hu Jin went overseas in Nov. 2011, Bo hosted a military drill in Chongqing. Commanders and political commissars from the Chengdu and Tibet military regions all came to support Bo. This included Yang Jinshan.

After Bo’s downfall, overseas Chinese media reported that Chongqing mayor Huang Qifan revealed that Bo promised to promote Huang to be prime minister if Bo’s coup went well. But the Global People’s report didn’t mention it.

Lan Shu, political commentator, “I never take the so-called coup seriously. Among all the political struggles inside the CCP, if you win, it’s not a coup; if you lose, it’s a coup. Xi and Li are not likely to make an issue of it. They just want to arrest the people related to the coup by using the method of the anti-corruption campaign.”

After the inspection of the Chengdu Military region in July, CMC vice chairman Xu Qiliang stated that a group of people will be investigated. Will the CCP launch a big investigation to the military region like it did with Zhou Yongkang?

Hua Po, political commentator in Beijing, “After sacking Yang, others are likely to be sacked as well. For instance, more people in the 14th army group in the Chengdu Military region are going to fall. The CCP’s report gave a hint of it.”

From the 18th National Congress to the eve of 4th plenary meeting of the CCP, there have been two large scale personnel change among high level military officers under Xi’s leadership in the short two years.

Before the 18th National Congress, there was a big staff change in the military headquarters office, sea and air, the Second Artillery and other military regions, as well as army groups and military academies. The seven military regions frequently changed staff before investigating Xu Caihou. According to Hong Kong media Takungpao, 6 out of 18 military groups changed personnel. Two military groups changed commanders, right before the 4th plenary meeting. Another 5 commanders of military groups and 4 army commissars were changed at the beginning of this year. Commander of Chengdu 14th army group Wang Jun, was moved from position of 42 army group deputy commander.

Public opinion believes that Xi is getting rid of Jiang’s power in the military through the personnel changes.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-production/GeLei

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