Sunday, November 2, 2014

【禁闻】中共迫害法轮功不止 孔秋阁惨死

中共1999年开始迫害法轮功 以来,迫于外界压力,迫害的形式越发隐蔽,但迫害政策从未改变。《明慧网》消息显示,最近一个月,又有多名法轮功 学员被中共迫害致死。其中,新疆乌鲁木齐法轮功学员孔秋阁老人,在经过近4个月的残酷迫害之后,于10月22号死亡 。目前孔秋阁老人的家属被监控,遗体还存放在冰柜中,无法安息。

孔秋阁女士曾是新疆石河子八一 棉纺织厂医院儿科医生,今年67岁,家住乌鲁木齐市新市区苏州花园。在修炼法轮功之前,孔秋阁医生患有严重的心脏病。修炼法轮功后,孔秋阁的心脏病症状完全消失,从此不再需要打针吃药。

孔秋阁按照法轮功的教导,遵循〝真、善、忍〞原则做好 人,在家里孝顺父母,相夫教子,在外与他人相处也不记个人得失。但就是这样一位女士,在1999年中共前魁江泽民迫害法轮功之后,却因为坚持信仰、依据正当权益向世人讲述法轮功被迫害的真相,而遭到多次非法关押,受尽折磨。



据大陆《》报导,在孔秋阁被关押期间,家人已经委托北京的王全章律师 为她辩护。王全章律师向警方要求会见孔秋阁,但遭到拒绝。






22号夜间1点半,警察通知家属尽快到医院。当家属赶到医院时,看到老人在急救室,医生告知孔秋阁的瞳孔已经扩散。两点50分,恶警李晓鹏为推卸责任,威逼孔秋阁的女儿签《取保候审通知书》,遭到拒绝。 6点55分,医生通知家属孔秋阁死亡。恶警要求家属在死亡证书上签字,家属拒签。



法轮功发言人张而平:〝尽管中共对法轮功的迫害现在不像初期那样大张旗鼓,但是中共对法轮功的迫害政策没有改变。像活体摘除器官、酷刑、包括像现在孔秋阁医生、老人被迫害致死,这样的事情说明中国 其实根本没有。〞


张而平:〝任何有良心的人、任何有正义 感的人,了解到这个情况,都应该站起来阻止这场邪恶,停止这场反人类的迫害,站在历史 和正义的这一边。〞


采访/陈汉 编辑/李谦 后制/肖颜

CCP Still Persecutes Falun Gong:

Kong Qiuge Tragically Tortured to Death

The communist party started the persecution of Falun Gong

in 1999.

Due to external pressure, it has become more and more covert.

However, the policies on persecution have never changed.

As reported by “”, quite a few practitioners

were persecuted to death in the last month.

Ms. Kong Qiuge from Urumqi, Xinjiang was one of them.

Ms. Kong was persecuted to death on Oct 22

after being cruelly tortured for 4 months.

Right now Ms. Kong’s body is saved in a freezer and

her family is being controlled and monitored.

Ms. Sun Qiuge, 67 years old, was a pediatrician at

Shihezi 8.1 Cotton Textile Factory hospital, Xinjiang.

She lived in SunZhou Garden, New Urban District, Urumqi.

Before Dr. Sun practiced Falun Gong, she had serious heart disease.

After practicing Falun Gong, her heart disease disappeared

and she didn’t need medical treatment anymore.

Kong Qiuge was a very good person, following Falun Gong

principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”.

She cared for her parents and was a responsible wife and mother.

She didn’t mind personal gains or losses as she worked with others.

In spite of being such a good person, she was illegally imprisoned

so many times and suffered severe torture after Jiang Zemin,

former party leader, started the persecution of Falun Gong

in 1999.

As reported by “”, a US headquartered website,

Kong Qiuge was kidnapped again from her home June 21, 2014.

To boycott the persecution, Ms. Kong started a hunger strike.

However, police said to her: “You won’t be released even

if you are on a hunger strike. We’d rather you die in prison.”

In less than 20 days, Ms. Kong was so thin her bones showed

through her skin.

When her life was draining away, she was sent to

the Urumqi prison hospital.

Lawyer Wang Quanzhang from Beijing, “I’ve never met Ms. Kong.

I only heard she was sent to hospital after being on hunger strike.

I am not quite clear about the details.”

As reported by “”, Ms. Kong’s family

entrusted Lawyer Wang Quanzhang to defend Ms. Kong.

Lawyer Wang asked to meet Kong Qiuge,

but got rejected by the police.

At the hospital, Ms. Kong’s life was maintained by injections.

In another two months’ torture, one couldn’t recognize her

anymore. She lost control of her bodily functions.

Her eyes were almost blind and she couldn’t walk.

Even so, the police still forced her to wear heavy fetters.

When Ms. Kong’s daughter questioned this, ridiculously

they said “it’s a lot of trouble to put on and take off the fetters.”

Ms. Kong’s family asked the police in charge

from Urumqi police station, Li Xiaopeng and Bai Yuchen,

to transfer Ms. Kong to another hospital or bail her out.

They were told that Ms. Kong used to have severe heart disease.

But, they were so eager for promotion through persecuting her,

they said Ms. Kong wouldn’t be released even if she died in prison.

In September, Ms. Kong’s health got worse and worse.

Her gastric mucosa tissue fell off, and she couldn’t urinate.

Her kidneys also failed to function.

Even so, the police still didn’t allow her family to visit her.

On Oct 16, Mrs. Kong started spitting blood when her gastric

mucosa tissue was falling off. Only then did the two police

Li Xiaopeng and Bai Yucheng notify Ms. Kong’s family to visit.

When Ms.Kong lost consciousness,

the evil police even declared that she was pretending.

On Oct 21, when the police notified Ms. Kong’s family to visit,

her body was cold already and there was no sign of life.

Kong Qiuge’s daughter asked to keep her mother company

but was rejected by the police.

At 1:30am, October 22, the police asked Ms.Kong’s family

to come to the hospital as soon as possible.

When Ms. Kong’s family got to the hospital,

they saw Ms. Kong in the emergency room.

The doctor said that Ms. Kong’s pupils weren’t focused any more.

At 2:50am, in order to get away from the responsibility,

the evil police Li Xiaopeng threatened Ms. Kong’s daughter

to sign the “Notice to Bail out Kong Qiuge”.

Ms.Kong’s daughter refused.

At 6:55am, the doctor told the family Ms. Kong had passed away.

The evil police requested the family to sign the death certificate:

the family refused.

Right now, Kong Qiuge’s body is still under police control

and kept in a freezer. All cell phones of Ms. Kong’s family

were monitored and their internet cut off.

There were also a lot of disguised police in the building.

Zhang Erping, speaker for Falun Gong,

told NTD that the communist party has never stopped

the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners since 1999.

Zhang Erping: “Even though the persecution of Falun Gong

isn’t as flagrant anymore, the policies have not changed.

Live organ harvesting, cruel tortures and cases like Dr. Kong

being persecuted to death, have proved that there is no rule of law in China. ”

Zhang Erping emphasized that the party persecuted Falun Gong

by all means for these many years.

Even those who persecute Falun Gong practitioners to death

carry no legal responsibility for it.

Zhang Erping: “Anyone with a conscience or a sense of justice

should stand up and help stop the evil,

stop the persecution that is against humanity,

and choose the side of righteousness.”

As reported by “”, at least 10 Falun Gong practitioners

were persecuted to death in the recent one month.

Some were beaten to death, some were cruelly tortured to death,

some were injected medicines that destroy human beings’ nerves,

and some were even organ-harvested.

Interview/ Chen Han Edit/ Liu Qian Post-Production/Xiao Yan

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

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