Thursday, March 20, 2014

【禁闻】美第一夫人访华 于无声处传价值观

20号,美国米歇尔带着母亲和一双女儿,开启了单独的访华之旅。按照惯例,美国第一夫人们单独出访时,从来不谈政治,但是中国 人却相信:她们的一举一动,都能传播。这是为什么呢?请看详细报导。




负责战略对话的美国国家安全事务副助理罗德斯认为,米歇尔出身并不富有的少数民族家庭,却能直达最高层 ,这本身就彰显了美国尊重的价值观。

网络博客 作家荆楚:〝美国的价值观它是遵从普世价值的,所谓普世价值就是整个社会都能够接受的基本的公约,中国已经在他们一举一动中受了影响。〞

白宫第一夫人办公厅主任,华裔官员陈远美17号透露,米歇尔将和中国年轻一代分享个人经历。她出身于一个贫寒的黑人家庭,父母都没上过大学,但十分重视子女的教育。米歇尔是法律 专业的博士,曾是美国的执业律师

米歇尔这次访华将在北京、成都和中国学 生互动。23号,她将在北京主持教育圆桌讨论。所谓〝圆桌会议〞,就是没有主席或随从的区分,人人平等,可以畅所欲言。

不过,历来,对于能见到外国政要的中国学生,都要在事前进行政治考核,只有所谓政治上可靠的学生,才可以参与 外事活动。




陈树庆:〝中、美当初建交,通过在日本的中国和美国的运动员,开始乓兵球比赛,非常礼貌、友好的,然后慢慢 、慢慢去增加接触。那米歇尔在藏人餐馆里吃饭,表达这个意思非常明确的,说明美国人民和美国关注藏人的权益、信仰和文化。〞



同时,米歇尔还积极参与帮助美国儿童减肥、解决美国军人 家庭问题 等社会活动。

陈树庆:〝给中国老百姓带来最大的启示就是:中共长期以来忽悠老百姓,说它自己的制度怎么好,美国什么种族歧视。那么奥巴马做为一个非洲 族裔第一个当选总统,那么米歇尔也是非洲族裔的第一夫人。那么,这个很有力的击破了中共对民主制度的一种诬陷。〞


采访编辑/唐音 后制/钟元

U.S. First Lady Visits China, Silently Spreading Universal Values

On March 20, U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama,

her mother and two daughters begun their trip to China.

By convention, U.S. First Ladies do not mention politics

when visiting alone.

But Chinese people believe their every move can spread

universal values.

Michelle Obama’s visit to China has three main objectives:

First, an interactive with students in universities,

middle schools and elementary schools and to give presentations,

Second, meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s wife;

Third, visit Chinese ancient architecture.

The focus of the trip is “to talk about education.”

U.S. First Ladies have become “U.S. foreign lubricant”

with their female gentleness and wisdom and

active participation in public affairs,

However they do not touch upon political issues.

China Democracy Party Zhejiang Committee member

Chen Shuqing:

“I think First Lady Michelle Obama will spread American

values like former U.S. Ambassador to China – Gary Locke.

His words and deeds have clear contrast to the reality of

those corrupt officials.

All of these need to have a system to protect freedom,

democracy and the rule of law.”

U.S. Deputy national security adviser for strategic

communication Ben Rhodes believes that:

the fact that Michelle Obama reaching the highest level and

was born in a minority family that was not well-to-do

demonstrates the U.S. values of respect for human rights.

China online blog writer Jing Chu: “The U.S. values are

compliant with universal values,that are acceptable by

the whole community.

China has been affected by their every move .”

White House First Lady Chief of Staff Christina Tchen

revealed on March 17,

Michelle will share with young Chinese people her personal


She was born in a poor black family. Neither of her parents

went to college, but they paid great importance to children’s


Michelle got her Ph.D in law and was a lawyer in the U.S.

Michel will meet students in Beijing and Chengdu.

On Mar 23, she will hold a round-table discussion

on education in Beijing.

The so-called “round-table” does not have a Chairman

and everyone has a fair chance to speak freely.

However, historically, Chinese students that meet with

foreign VIP’s must go through a political assessment.

Only the so-called politically reliable students

can participate in foreign affairs.

Chen Shuqing: “Whether they are selected by officials or not,

I think they would be affected.

Now student representatives and even officials within

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are trying to make a living.

Deep in their heart they long for freedom, equality,

the rule of law, democracy and oppose the CCP.”

On the last day of Michelle’s trip on March 16,

they will dine at a Tibetan restaurant in Chengdu.

Jing Chu: “She deliberately plans to select Tibetan cuisine.

She might tactfully show U.S.’ care for the Tibetans.”

Chen Shuqing: “This is a symbolic act.

When the U.S. and China first established diplomatic relations,

U.S. and Chinese athletes in Japan played tennis politely and

friendly, and slowly increased contact.

Michelle dining in a Tibetan restaurant is to clearly express

U.S. care and attention for Tibetan beliefs and culture.”

Michelle is a U.S. Ivy League graduate and lawyer.

Before Obama was elected President,she was the vice

president at the hospital of the University of Chicago.

Her salary was twice as high as Obama’s.

In order to help her husband’s campaign,

she resigned from her well-paid job.

After becoming the First Lady, Michelle opened up the

White House vegetable garden in addition to

adhering to fitness and fashionable clothing.

She was very happy to be the “Mother Commander” of

16-year-old daughter Maria and 13 year-old daughter Sasha.

She and Obama are very strict with the children.

Meanwhile, Michelle is also actively involved in

helping American children to lose weight and

to solve family problems with the U.S. military soldiers.

Chen Shuqing: “The greatest revelation to Chinese people is:

The CCP has long fooled people by repeating the CCP is good

and there is racial discrimination in the U.S.

Obama was elected President with his African ethnicity.

Michelle is also the first African America First Lady.

Well, this broke the CCP’s slander of a democratic system.”

Among U.S. First Ladies, Michelle is famous for having a

“work and lifestyle balance.”

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