Thursday, September 4, 2014

【禁闻】王岐山双重布局 吉林7官员被查



另外,吉林省白山市抚松县县长钟代河,吉林省长春市教育局前局长马军,中国 第一汽车集团公司原副总经理安德武,吉林省国家税务局前局长孙云志,吉林省农业科学 院前党委书记、院长岳德荣5人,由于涉嫌受贿犯罪被立案侦查,侦查工作正在进行中。






黄金秋:〝斩断这种(腐败)链条,那就是要把权力还给人民,让人民去选举,去投票,这些贪腐官员他就不可能再形成这样一个链条。他们就必须接受老百姓的监督,必须靠政绩说服老百姓,那么这个时候他们就不需要行贿受贿,不会这样去贪腐。所以,根本的解决贪腐的问题 就在于实现民主的监督和民主的选票。〞






采访编辑/凯欣 后制/陈建铭

Wang Qishan,s Double Layout In Cleaning Up Jilin Province

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP), announced from

Sept. 3 that seven officials from Jilin were under investigation.

Cases were opened on five of them, and prosecution was

concluded for two on alleged bribe-taking.

Mean while Jilin provincial party secretary Wang Rulin,

was recently removed from position, leaving Jilin,s officialdom

on edge.

Critics believe these are just the first steps Central Commission

for Discipline Investigation (CCDI) Wang Qishan, had taken

after personnel arrangements in Provinces of Shanxi and Jilin.

SPP website released on Sept. 3, that local procuratorates

had concluded their investigation of Li Xiaoping,

former deputy head of Party School of Communist Party in

China , Jilin Provincial Committee,

and Li Ranbin, former deputy president of Jilin

Medical College.

Both were being questioned for alleged bribe-taking

Investigation is also taking place upon five other officials.

They are Zhong Daihe, county head of Fusong;

Ma Jun, former director of the Changchun municipal bureau

of education;

An Dewu, former deputy general manager of FAW Group


Sun Yunzhi, former head of Jilin Provincial Office to

State Administration of Taxation;

and Yue Derong, former president of Jilin Academy

of Agricultural Sciences.

All seven officials were alleged to have taken bribes.

Writer Huang Jinqiu: “I am afraid no one can guarantee any

provincial leadership is absolutely free of corruption.”

What is the root cause of this corruption phenomenon?

Huang Jinqiu believes it comes from the non-elected officials.

Huang Jinqiu: “The provincial officials are decided by the

party secretary of the province.

The Central appoints the party secretary of the province.

Everyone has a backer.

That,s how this corruption chain was formed,

through buying the officials and taking the bribes.”

Huang Jinqiu indicates people’s supervision is the key

in cutting down on the corruption chain.

Huang Jinqiu: “To cut this chain of corruption, the power

should be returned to the people.

With elections, these corrupt officials would never again

form a chain.

With the people,s supervision, they rely on performance

to convince the people, not bribery.

The fundamental solution to corruption is to realize

democratic supervision and election.”

Since the 18th National Congress, more than 30 officials

in Shanxi Province were sacked, including seven provincial

level, and four Provincial Standing Committee officials.

Sept. 1, Shanxi Provincial party secretary Yuan Chunqing,

was suddenly transferred and replaced by the Jilin provincial

party secretary Wang Rulin.

Former Jilin Province governor Bayinqolu became party

secretary of Jilin Province.

It is intriguing that, just two days after Wang Rulin left Jilin,

Jilin officialdom was very much on the edge.

Huang Jinqiu: “I believe Jilin discipline inspection organs

will investigate more than just these seven officials.

Perhaps even the provincial standing committee level officials

will be exposed.

If the probe continues, Wang Rulin could be in trouble too.

His shift of post could be more conducive to the investigation

of corruption in Jilin Province.”

Commentators believe that Wang Rulin,s transferring to

Shanxi, signals Zhongnanhai is ready to clear the Jilin clique.

In particular, Wang Qishan has completed the double layout

from the Communist Party Committee to the Government.

Bayinqolu, the new Jilin Provincial party secretary,

was vice governor of Zhejiang Province in 2001, and became

the provincial standing committee of Zhejiang Province in 2003.

According to a Caixin report, he has had very in-depth contact

with Xi Jinping, who was party secretary of Zhejiang for five years.

Aug. 31, Jilin News reported, Agricultural Bank chairman

Jiang Chaoliang, is appointed as Jilin Provincial party

committee, Standing Committee, deputy secretary, and

nominated a candidate for governor of Jilin Province.

Jiang Chaoliang was once a capable subordinate of Wang Qishan.

Interview & Edit/Kai Xin Post-Production/Chen Jianmin

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