Friday, September 20, 2013

【禁闻】中共〝消灭〞地主 台湾土改没死一人

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2013年09月21日讯】有大陆 作者撰文说,当年搞的土改,充满了血腥恐怖,杀死了200万所谓的〝地主分子〞。而在蒋介石领导下搞的农村没有斗一个人,也没有死一个人,而是用和平的经济手段完成的。评论者指出,的阶级斗争理论注定了两岸土地改革的不同。




北京天则研究所副所长冯兴元:〝我爷爷原来有很多田地房子,都抽鸦片给败掉了。败掉以后我家 就评了一个中农,就没事了。还有很多就是他很勤俭,有钱就买地,买到一定程度之后,就评为地主了。我爱人他爷爷就是这样的。那个时代不讲正义 的,它是为了一个目的,然后不择手段的。〞



文章 作者王贵成认为,台湾土改最值得称道的是〝阶级合作〞式的办法。〝地主、农民和政府坐下来慢慢 商量解决土地问题 的法子,叫农民得益,地主也不受损失。〞地主的土地虽被征收,但从中获得大量的股票,摇身一变,成为新兴的工商巨头。农村改革使台湾的经济全面发展起来了,通过十几年的努力,进入了世界先进国家的行列。 70年代台湾经济腾飞,成为举世瞩目的四小龙之一。


原国务院农村发展研究中心研究员姚监复:〝和平土改是挨批的。叶剑英,广东准备和平土改,华侨的地是他自己劳动挣得钱买的地,叶落归根 用的。想和平土改。最后也不行,还是阶级斗争。关键问题就是阶级斗争。一分为二 ,你吃掉我,我吃掉你,你死我活。〞

作者王贵成引述一位留美的华人博士说,苏联、中国 都是〝消灭〞了地主,致使两国的农业发展缓慢,至今没有完成从农业经济转轨到工业经济;欧美各国以及亚洲四小龙则是〝消灭〞了贫农,农民成了工人,地主成了资本家,农业经济过度到了工业经济。中国人是越干越穷,人家是越干越富。


采访编辑/秦雪 后制/孙宁

Killing Is the Word in China’s Land Reform

Mainland authors wrote that land reform in China

was full of bloody terror.

Two million landlords were killed

by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Whereas, in Taiwan, under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek,

the rural reform had no fighting, and not one person

had to die; it was accomplished by peaceful economic means.

Commentators point out that the communist theory of class

struggle made the difference between Taiwan and Mainland China.

Wang Guicheng, senior language teacher in a middle school,

said that the Taiwanese government bought the land from landlords,

then sold it to farmers.

Poor farmers used an installment plan to buy the land

according to their actual needs and their abilities to pay.

Farmers provide produce for the country and they pay

for the land with their profits every year.

The government provides incentives to landlords

to establish enterprises, business and services.

Incomes from modern industries were much more than rent

from land, so landlords were happy.

Money from land sales thus turned into capital development

of modern enterprises.

Feng Xingyuan, deputy director of Beijing Institute

of economics:”Before the CCP took over China,

farmers supported its policy of fighting landlords

and dividing the land.

Once they seized China, they continued to implement

this policy regardless of the legitimacy of the land.

My grandfather used to have many houses and a lot of land.

However, he lost them due to smoking opium,

so nothing bad happened to him.

He was a very hard working man and bought land

whenever he had saved enough money.

My father-in-law was the same way.

After one had accumulated enough land,

one became a landlord.

Killing landlords during the CCP’s land reform was carried

out in accordance with the proportions and killing quotas.”

Feng Xingyuan: “In a Ningbo village, there were two

landlords, and people called them big rascal and little rascal.

Everyone thought the little rascal was nice and would

not be killed, but both of them were shot to death.”

Author Wang Guicheng believes that Taiwan’s land reform

was remarkable for its class collaboration.

Landowners, farmers and the government sat down

to discuss ways to solve the land problem so that

farmers would benefit and landlords would not be hurt.

After landlords replaced their land with stocks of enterprises,

they turned into industrial and commercial giants.

Rural reform enabled a full development of Taiwan’s

economy, and over a decade of efforts,

Taiwan entered the ranks of advanced countries in the world.

In the 1970s, with Taiwan’s skyrocketing economy,

it became one of the four little dragons in Asia.

Yao Jian Fu, researcher of the former State Council Rural

Development Research Center points out that the CCP

knew about peaceful means, but essentially decided

to use violent means.

“Peaceful land reform was being criticized at that time.

Ye Jianying, a former leader of the CCP, was prepared

to adopt peaceful land reform in Guangdong.

It did not work out that way, and in the end,

the class struggle won.

In a class struggle, you gobble me up, and I gobble you up,

which is a matter of life and death.”

Wang Guicheng quoted a Chinese scholar in America

who said that in both the Soviet Union and China,

landlords were eliminated, which caused slow

agricultural development.

They have not transformed from an agricultural economy

into an industrial economy.

In Europe, the United States and the Asian four dragons,

they eliminated poor farmers instead—farmers became

workers and landlords became capitalists—which turned

an agricultural economy into an industrial economy.

The harder the Chinese people work, the poorer

they become.

On the contrary, people in other countries become richer

by working harder.

Yao Jian Fu points out that the CCP’s entire theory revolves

around class struggle, advocating violent revolution.

In the CCP’s dictionary, there is one word, “destroy.” Email订阅禁闻

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