Friday, December 26, 2014


中国 ,越是优秀的孩子,越容易被迫加入组织,在成年,看到后,他们做出了自己的选择 。来看今天的精选。

广东的小轩说:〝以前读小学要表现好才给你入少先队,那时我喜欢助人为乐,给学校批准加入第一批少先队,那次的红领巾还是我哥哥用过的。04年30多岁才学会上网,05年学会看外面的世界,逐渐看清到邪恶的堕落给华夏民族带来深重灾难的邪文化。我现在郑重声明退出邪的少先队,也帮老婆、孩子退出少先队 。〞

大陆李星辉说:〝年少无知时宣誓 加入少先队和共青团,后来,虽然从不同管道早已得知的邪恶本性,但从未正式宣布退团 退队 。现得知宣誓的人都被打了印记,深感可怕!现声明自己与女朋友退出少先队与共青团,曾经的誓言作废。以后我俩会努力提高道德修为,一生一世做善良真诚的人!


Quit CCP – Update, Dec. 26, Friday

In China, the most intelligent children are often the first being forced to join the association of the Chinese Communist Party. In adulthood, they finally see the truth and make their own choices. Let's look at the announcement selection today.

Xiao Hsuan from Guangdong Province wrote: "Only when you perform well in elementary school would you be allowed to join the Young Pioneers. I was always pleased to help others. So the school approved my application first. The red scarf I was given actually was worn by my brother previously."

"In 2004 when I was already in my 30s I finally learned how to get onto the Internet. I learnt how to pass the Firewall to see the outside world in 2005. I gradually realize the Evil Party culture and the grave disaster it has brought to the Chinese nation. I now solemnly denounce the Evil Party's Young Pioneers. I also renounce the Young Pioneers on behalf of my wife and my children."

Li Xinghui from China wrote: "I took the oath and joined the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League when I was young and ignorant. Even though I know the evil nature of the Communist Party through various channels, but never officially announce my withdrawal from these associations of the CCP."

"When I learn that the oath had us all imprinted with the evil spirit, I am deeply frightened! I hereby declare for myself and my girlfriend that we both quit the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League and void the oath we took. "

"We will both strive to improve our morality and cultivation, and be sincere and kind people throughout our lives!"

"The Epoch Times is our witness! Thank you!"

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