Friday, December 26, 2014

【禁闻】令计划政治生涯最后一站: 统战部






旅美中国 问题 观察人士张健:〝统战部其实是在中共领导下的一个职能部门。它对国内所有的,还有海外 的社团,以及各派组织的负责人,还有宗教团体,各个信仰团体,少数民族,还有像港、澳、台,来输送中共的利益。〞

作为对外扩张和渗透中共意识形态的部门之一,统战部往往采取〝柔性手段〞,对海外侨团、学生会、非政府组织施加影响。根据〝追查迫害国际组织〞之前的报告,在世界各国设立分部的〝中国和平统一促进会〞(CCPPR),号称民间组织,实际是统战部下属的统战机构。而遍布12个国家大学的中国学 生学者联谊会(CSSA),很多都接受中共驻当地使领馆的〝领导〞。

时事评论员伍凡 :〝过去利用统一战线来对付第三者,它把知识份子,学者统一过来,来对付国民党。现在对付谁呢?现在在,把华人拉过来以后,对付美国。或者说把一部分人拉过来,对付法轮功 ;把一部分人拉过来,对付基督教。〞


例如,前北大教授袁红冰 今年6月28号在新书发表会上披露,台湾太阳花学运重创中共统战台湾的阴谋,中共国台办主任张志军按计划访台,拜会高雄市长陈菊,也凸显共产党一直在推动的一个统战阴谋,就是〝国民党的共产党化、民进党的国民党化〞。

之后,在今年台湾大选前,》11月27号的一篇文章 指出,国台办与大陆统战部门涉入台湾选举甚深,更将台商视为收复台湾的桥头堡。


而去年一度骚扰香港法轮功真相点的〝青关会〞,今年7月在纽约法拉盛污衊法轮功的〝红马甲〞,8月在台北101前侮辱法轮功学员,宣扬共产主义的台湾〝爱国〞,更让人权团体认为,令计划上任后,统战部加强了向海外输出迫害法轮功 的趋势。



采访/朱智善 编辑/尚燕

Ling Jihua's Last Stop—The United Front Work Department

In September 2012, Ling Jihua handed over his position as

a General Office chief and was appointed as the minister of

the United Front Work Department (UFWD).

Since then, his political career has been like a dry leaf,

precarious in the anti-corruption or "tiger hunting" campaign

and in the end, he has failed to get through the year.

What is the United Front Work Department?—

Let's take a look at today's report.

The day after Ling Jihua's downfall, Cao Guoxing,

a special correspondent of Radio France Internationale,

described Ling Jihua's last day of work, saying, "Ling Jihua,

who is known for his tolerance, did not utter a word,

which is totally different from the high-profile Bo Xilai

that showed his eloquence in front of reporters

at the NPC press conference."

"It is said that Ling dined alone in the canteen of the

UFWD on 22 Dec."

Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po published a report on the 24th,

describing Ling Jihua's working attitude.

It quoted civil servants of the Communist Youth League (CYL)

Central, saying, Ling "put his life on line to earn his position,"

and insiders describing him as "autocratic", saying,

"he sticks his nose into areas that are not under him."

Many media described Ling as a man with great tolerance,

who put in much time and effort, and withstood the pain of

losing his son in order to achieve his political ambitions.

Ling Jihua's transfer to the UFWD gave a last chance

for his political life.

Zhang Jian, U.S.-based China Watcher: "The UFWD delivers

the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) interests to all

domestic democratic parties, overseas communities,

religious and faith groups, ethnic minorities,

and to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan."

As a department responsible for the external expansion and

penetration of CCP ideology, UFWD often uses "soft means"

to influence overseas compatriot communities,

student unions and non-governmental organizations.

According to reports by the World Organization to

Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG),

the China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National

Reunification (CCPPR), with its branches around the world,

while claiming to be a civil organization,

is in fact an agency under the UFWD.

Most Chinese Students'and Scholars Association branches

worldwide are led by local CCP embassies and consulates.

Wu Fan, China Affairs Commentator:

"Who is the UFWD dealing with?"

"In the past, it unified intellectuals and scholars to deal with

the political party, the Kuomintang of China."

"Now it unifies the Chinese in the U.S. to deal with the U.S.,

or some people to deal with the Falun Gong or Christians."

After Ling Jihua became head of the UFWD,

its "soft means" could be seen in many major events.

For instance—on Jun. 28, 2014, Yuan Hongbing, a former

Beijing University professor, revealed that the Sunflower

Student Movement had seriously hurt the conspiracy of

the CCP's United Front over Taiwan.

And during his visit to Taiwan, Zhang Zhijun, China's minister

of the Taiwan Affairs Office, met with Chen Chu, Taiwan's

Kaohsiung City Mayor—also pointing to a conspiracy

by the CCP's United Front.

The UFWD turned Kuomintang into the CCP and is turning

Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party into a Kuomintang.

Before this year's presidential election in Taiwan, an article

posted on Reuters UK on Nov. 27 pointed out that

the Taiwan Affairs Office is deeply involved in the UFWD's

influence over Taiwan's elections, and regards Taiwan's

businessmen as a bridgehead in recovering Taiwan.

During the Umbrella Movement, the Hong Kong people were

shocked to find that the CCP's United Front had penetrated

the Hong Kong media and civil society.

For example, Wong Wai-Ching, a leader against

the Umbrella Movement, was exposed by mainland netizens

as being a member of the CPPCC National Committee.

The UFWD has unified groups such as the Hong Kong Youth

Care Association Ltd. who harassed Falun Gong in 2013,

the Red Vest who slandered Falun Gong in Flushing last July,

and Taiwan's iloveroc who insulted Falun Gong practitioners

in front of the Taipei 101.

Human rights groups believe that since Ling Jihua took office,

the UFWD has strengthened the persecution of Falun Gong.

Wang Zhiyuan, WOIPFG Spokesman: "After Ling took office,

the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners overseas indeed

increased; there have been more cases."

WOIPFG says it is gathering evidence of the UFWD's

role in persecuting Falun Gong after Ling Jihua took office

and the report will soon be released publicly.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ShangYan

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