Tuesday, September 9, 2014

【禁闻】基尼系数0.73 显邓小平改革失败

北京大学最近发布的民生发展报告指出,中国 顶端百分之一的家庭,拥有全国三分之一以上的财产;而底层四分之一的家庭,仅拥有全国百分之一的财富,中国家庭净财产的基尼系数已达0.73。评论指出,如此巨大的贫富差距说明,所谓的已经失败了。

媒《人民网》报导,北京大学中国社会科学 调查中心7月25号发布《中国民生发展报告2014》,报告指出,中国的财产不平等程度在迅速升高,相较于1995年的0.45,2002年的0.55,2012年中国家庭净财产的基尼系数达到0.73。顶端1%的家庭占有全国三分之一以上的财产,而底端25%的家庭拥有的财产总量仅在1%左右。


经济学家简天伦:〝以前就知道中国的贫富不均非常严重,但是过去,政府的数据不可信,也不知道到底是怎么样,这次基尼系数是0.73,这个绝对的全世界第一。世界上超过60%的国家,除了中国之外,只有5个国家,这5个国家都是在非洲 ,都是非常落后的国家,或者是种族分化非常严重的。〞


国际广播电台》报导,虽然大陆各大门户网站 刊发了《人民网》这条消息,但却都关闭了评论功能,没有一个跟帖,甚至连所谓〝正能量〞的跟帖也没有。

作者南京龙的博文指出,原因很简单,假使发动五毛睁着眼睛说瞎话,不但不能证明中共的伟光正,反而会造成更恶劣的影响。在深谙宣传之道的真理部门的安排下,这条新闻就成了哑巴新闻。你虽然知道了这个比较接近事实的数据,但无法与网友交流 探讨,问题 究竟严重到了什么程度?也不知道造成这个问题的真正原因。


简天伦:〝这个肯定不包括政府贪官那些贪的钱,因为贪的钱是黑的,不可能统计进去的,就像周永康 现在被抓了才知道,他在北京就有300多套房子,就像周永康或者小永康之类的,有几十套的,多的是,所以中国空房、鬼城也多的要命。这就是,不到百分之一的人占有的财富太多了。〞



杰森.马:〝一定是跟权力越接近的人,富起来越快,而且一旦有权力的人富起来,他会固化自己拥有的社会利益,这样的一个运作方式,只能是越有权越有钱,反过来呢就更有权更有钱,事实上是一个极端的分化社会一个经济发展 模式。这样的社会完全是不稳定的,他只是把当时中共的危机转化成了现在全民的危机。〞

杰森.马表示,从2003年以来,中共国家统计局发布的基尼系数一直是0.47、0.48,这次允许0.73曝光,说明中共高层 至少有一派人认为,不能完全蒙着眼睛过日子。但是中共高层 最终会如何反应?如果0.73这个数据引发强烈的社会反响,会不会出来辟谣?还有待观察。

采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

China’s Gini Coefficient Stands at 0.73 Shows Deng Xiaoping’s Reform has Failed

Recently Peking University issued a report pointing out that

the top 1 percent of Chinese households possess over

one-third of the nation’s wealth.

But, 25 percent of the poorest families

own just 1 percent of the country’s wealth.

The report says that families’ net property of

the Gini coefficient stood at 0.73.

Experts say that the huge gap between rich and poor shows

Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening policy doesn’t work.

The state-run mouthpiece people.cn said that Peking

University’s Institute of Social Science issued a report

– “Chinese Livelihood Development Report 2014” on July 25.

The report says that Chinese inequality in property

has increased rapidly.

The net wealth of Gini coefficient was 0.45 in 1995,

0.55 in 2002, and 0.73 in 2012.

The top 1 percent of the families

have a third of the nation’s wealth.

However, 25 percent of the poorest families possess

just 1 percent of national wealth.

The Gini coefficient also known as Gini index, is an

international measure of statistical dispersion intended to

represent the income distribution of a nation’s residents.

The higher the value, the more the inequality would be.

Jian Tianlun, US-based economist: “We knew in the past that

Chinese wealth distribution is seriously unequal.

However, the government’s statistics have no credibility,

We don’t know the truth.

This time the Gini index is 0.73,

it is definitely the top in the world.

Of over 60 percent of countries except China,

only five countries all located in Africa,

they are very under developed or

exist serious racial differentiation.”

Jason Ma, NTD Television special economic commentator:

“This figure is shocking and strange.

In the world, such as in Latin America, society likely became

unhealthy by differentiation between rich and poor.

China’s Gini index reached 0.73, which proves that

Chinese society is completely abnormal.”

Radio France Internationale (RFI) reported that although

Chinese major websites had reproduced people.cn report,

the comment function had been disabled.

There is no single post to follow the article.

Not even propaganda posts followed.

Writer Nanjinglong’s blog pointed out

that the reason is simple,

if they sent 50-cent Party to post lies, it cannot prove

the Chinese Communist Party’s “Great, Glorious and Correct”,

on the contrary, it will result in even worse impact.

Under the propaganda department’s arrangement,

this news has been muted.

Although you know the figure is close to the fact, but

there is no way to communicate with readers.

How serious is the problem? The real reason

the cause is unknown.

Jian Tianlun observes that the top Chinese families often

possess huge undisclosed properties.

The figure provided by Peking University is underestimated.

Jian Tianlun: “This certainly excluded cash that

corrupt officials had embezzled.

Because embezzled money is illegal,

is impossible to be accounted in.

For example, after Zhou Yongkang’s arrest, we know

he possessed over 300 homes in Beijing.

Officials similar to Zhou have tens of homes, there are many,

so, empty homes and ghost towns exist everywhere in China.

This is why less than 1 percent of people seized somuch assets.”

Jason Ma points out that Gini index is 0.73, indicating

the wealth gap is seriously wide.

This kind of society doesn’t have any stability.

RFI says that according to theory of Deng Xiaoping,

former Chairman of Central Military Committee,

the reform is unsuccessful.

Jian Tianlun: “This actually was caused by China’s entire

system, direction of reform and reform policy.

It was Deng Xiaoping that let part of the population get rich first,

and letting the rest support the rich, so the gap widened gradually.”

Jason Ma: “The more one gets close to the people who

have power, the quicker one gets rich.

Once the people with power got rich,

they would have their social interest firmed.

Actually this is an economic development model of

an extreme polarized society.

This society is totally unstable, they just

diverted the CCP’s crisis onto the entire nation.”

Jason Ma says that since 2003, the statistics bureau announced

Gini index was 0.47 or 0.48.

This time allowed figure 0.73 being disclosed, showing that

at least one faction at high-level understood

that they cannot cover their eyes to live.

What the final reaction of the high-level would be?

If the figure 0.73 caused a strong social response,

would the CCP come out to deny the rumor?

We will see.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Chen Jianming

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