Sunday, April 13, 2014


最近,中共上任中央总书记胡锦涛前往湖南浏阳,参观了另一位前总书记胡耀邦的故居。在胡耀邦逝世纪念日4月15号及〝六四 〞25周年等敏感日前夕,胡锦涛此行释放什么信号?请看报导。



胡耀邦是上世纪80年代的中共主要领导人,也是早期平反 冤假错案的具体执行者。1987年,他被指为反对资产阶级自由化不力,而被内保守派元老逼迫辞职。1989年 4月15号胡耀邦病故,数万学生在悼念他,后来演变成震惊全球的〝八九民运 〞,直到〝六四屠城 事件〞爆发。

六四事件 〞后,中共官方不对胡耀邦公开评价,包括在政治和历史 教科书中也尽量回避提及胡耀邦。



不久前,高瑜在《自由亚洲电台》上发表《〝康师傅〞怎么就变成〝防波堤〞?》一文。文章 指出,前中共中央政法委书记不仅有前党魁江泽民庇护,现在党内一批退休常委如贾庆林、、吴邦国等,形成对周的共同保卫战。现在〝周永康成了贪腐常委家族们的防波提〞,保了周,就是保他们自己。

《有线电视台》引述北京学者章立凡的话说,北京高层 打〝大老虎〞的消息迟迟不公布,最近又有军队高层谷俊山的贪腐案,〝胡锦涛的出现正是为习近平‘打虎’注入强心针〞。







中国 生活了20年的《德国之声》专栏作者泽林指出,习近平向周永康开刀触动了一个禁区,因为负责内部安全,担任中央政治局常委的周永康非常有权势,所以打这只老虎很危险。

北京时政 观察人士华颇认为,胡锦涛参观胡耀邦故居,不仅有为习近平站台的意味,还有团派、自由派、结盟的信号。



采访/朱智善 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

What signal can be seen from Hu Jintao’s visiting former home of Hu Yaobang?

Recently, the former Chinese Communist Party(CCP) Head

Hu Jintao went to Liuyang City of Hunan Province to

visit another former CCP Head Hu Yaobang’s former home.

At the time of the death anniversary of Hu Yaobang

on April 15 and 25th year of Tian’Anmen Square Massacre

on June 4th,what sort of signal is unleashed by Hu Jintao’s trip?

Hu Jintao’s activities have been rarely publicly reported

since he retired. But recently, the situation has been changed:

on April 9, he visited the Yuelu Academy located

inside Hunan University.

on April 11 morning, accompanied by the CCP Head

of Hunan Province and officials of other levels, he visited

Hu Yaobang’s former residence and the exhibition hall.

During the visit, Hu Jintao bowed

to Hu Yaobang’s bronze statue.

Hu Yaobang was one of the key leaders of the CCP in 1980s

and the specific executant of rectifying the unjust , false

and erroneous cases in early times.

In 1987, he was accused of ineffectively opposing

the bourgeois liberalization and then forced to resign

by conservative elders of the CCP.

On April 15 of 1989, Hu Yaobang died of disease.

Several tens of thousands of students mourned him

in Tian’Anmen Square, which later evolved into the

world-stunning “Democratic Movement in 1989”

till the out-break of the “June 4th Holocaust”.

After “June 4th Incident”, the CCP Authority did not

give open evaluation on Hu Yaobang

including avoiding mentioning Hu Yaobang in political

and historical textbooks as much as possible.

Beijing senior media practitioner Gao Yu says,

the current CCP Head Xi Jinping should have been

aware of Hu Jintao’s trip beforehand.

Gao Yu: “Hu Jintao’s trip was arranged

by the Office of Central Committee of CCP

and this is not his personal action.

You may note Hu Jintao was accompanied

by the CCP Head of Hunan Province,

the local county’s CCP Head and other local heads.

In addition, there was a secret service security guard.”

It is not long before Gao Yu published the article

“How ‘Master Kang’ becomes ‘breakwater’?

on Radio Free Asia.

The article says, the former CCP’s law-and-order chief

Zhou Yongkang is not only shielded by the Former CCP Head

Jiang Zemin, but also a united guard from the retired

former allied standing committee members of politburo

including Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun and Wu Bangguo.

Cable TV Hong Kong cited quotes from Beijing scholar

Zhang Lifan, Beijing high level deferred the publication

of the news of attacking “Big Tiger”, and the exposure of the

corruption case of military high level official Gu Junshan.

In view of these, “Hu Jintao’s turn-up is just

injecting cardiotonic needle for

encouraging Xi Jinping to ‘Attack Tiger’.”

Zhang Lifan says, the action of Xi Jinping’s “Attacking Tiger”

will probably continue, and this upsets

the elders of the CCP, so Xi “urgently needs support”.

Gao Yu thinks, Hu Jintao is not power-mad like Jiang Zemin,

so he transferred all powers completely to Xi Jinping.

Gao Yu points out, Hu Jintao has the right of speech

but gives very few. Such a visit is to show

a sort of political attitude,

which supports Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption.

Gao Yu: “Since June 4th incident, during Jiang Zemin’s time,

the corruption inside the CCP was very prevalent

and a bigshot class formed.

As a CCP Head, he is responsible for the cases of

Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai.

Originally, he had no political background supporters.

He becomes the CCP Head and this is due to a word

released by Deng Xiaoping. He was also constrained

by all sorts of power including the CCP’s power

and the rights of Jiang Zemin.”

Gao Yu says, Hu Jintao’s civilian background has been

contained by the CCP institution and his political orders

cannot go beyond Zhongnanhai.

So the corruption of the CCP

during his term becomes more severe.

The recent investigation of the CCP on Zhou Yongkang

shows: Zhou Yongkang’s family has a wealth of

at least 90 billion RMB including 37 billion in bank accounts,

overseas bonds with a vaue of 51 billion RMB,

apartments and villas with a value of 1.7 billion,

1 billion in antiques and ancient calligraphy

and paintings, and 60 cars.

Zelin, who has been in China for 20 years and is a DW’s Columnist,

says that Xi Jinping attacking Zhou Yongkang triggered

a forbidden area.

Because the role of politburo’s standing committee

member is a very powerful one for Zhou Yongkang at that time.

He was also responsible for internal security.

So to attack that tiger is very dangerous.

Beijing political observer Hua Po says, the trip of Hu Jintao

visiting Hu Yaobang’s former residence is not only

for standing by Xi Jinping, but also for releasing

the signal of the alliance among the Communist Youth

League (CYL) faction, freedom faction and Princelings.

Hua Po: “to produce the collapse of Bo Xilai

and Zhou Yongkang is actually the united efforts

of the Deng faction and freedom faction.”

Hua Po thinks, under the situation of Jiang Zemin’s faction

and interest groups engaging in hot battle,

Xi Jinping needs support from CYL faction,

freedom faction, princelings, and Deng Xiaoping’s faction.

So under such a situation, the CCP will not touch June 4th,

and not rehabilitate Hu Yaobang’s fame as well.

This will only maintain superficial harmony

for Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang.

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