Sunday, March 3, 2013


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2013年03月04日讯】大陆 官方最近公布了新一届全国名单。名单的变化凸显出三位女性分别入局、出局和连任的不同境遇。外界分析指出,这三位女性在〝人大〞中的沉浮,表明〝人大代表〞资格只是内定的犒赏,从中折射出大陆〝人大〞制度的真实一面。


3月2号《国际广播电台》中文网 发表文章 指出,这一名单反映出三位女性的特殊际遇。她们分别是:刚入局的年轻〝90后〞代表铁飞燕,和被出局的著名女迟夙生,以及高龄连任、从未投过反对票、被网民称为〝化石级人大代表〞的

文章认为,这三名女人在〝人大〞制度中的浮沉,折射出大陆〝人大〞制度运行规则的真实一面,表明〝人大代表〞这一称号,〝很大程度上仍然是一种私相授受的政治犒赏〞 。

中国 公民监政会发起人 :〝就是一个橡皮图章,只是一个样板工程。中共做一些事情也规定一些程序,也规定了一些必经之路,但是程序就是个形式和做样子。〞


江西独立参选人 刘萍:〝如果仅仅是凭见义勇为就能当选人大代表的话,这是一个笼统的概念。更何况是全国人大,寄托了全国人民对她的期望。如果她都感觉意外的话,说明她根本没有当选人大代表的愿望。〞

与铁飞燕遭遇相反的是,曾经连任3届全国人大代表、积极参政的女律师 迟夙生,她这次被淘汰出局,未能进入全国人大。



〝黑龙江夙生律师事务所〞主任 迟夙生:〝因为我是做律师的,我会一如既往的为推动建设继续工作。我现在正在工作着,倒无所谓 拿不拿掉(全国人大资格)的。网上说的那些是属实的,没有问题 。〞



中国公民监政会发起人郭永丰:〝执政,共产党说的话永远都是对的。不管执政时犯下多大的错误,都是对的。她永远都是赞成、支持政府的。只要这个政府不垮台、她永远得到重用,直到她死亡 的那一天。〞

中文 网的报导也指出,中共牢牢掌控着〝人大〞这个所谓的〝代表制度〞,也就是,所有代表人选都由中共组织部门圈定,而被选出来的所谓人大代表,也没有参政议政能力,只是按照执政党的意思举举手、鼓鼓掌。

采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/陈建铭

Three Females'Ups and Downs Expose China's NPC system

The National People's Congress (NPC) latest delegates' list

is now announced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).'

Three females are subject to different circumstances

in the changes of their memberships in the NPC.

Analyses show that the ups and downs of these females

suggest the NPC membership is just a CCP' political reward.

This is a reflection of the real side

of the NPC's system in China.

The CCP authority recently announced the full list

of 2987 delegates of the 12th NPC.

Among them, about 35% are CCP members, or 1042 people,

of whom 23.4% are females, or 699 women.

On March 2nd, the RFI Chinese web edition posted an article,

pointing out that the changes in the new list treat three of the females very differently.

They are Tie Feiyan, the new post-90s delegate;

Chi Susheng, the famous lawyer who was kicked out;

and Shen Jilan, the aged “reelected” delegate who never

voted against anything and was called “fossil NPC delegate” by Chinese netizens.

females reflect the real nature of the NPC system in China.

It shows that the title of “NPC delegate” is still largely

a political reward exclusively bestowed by the CCP.

Guo Yongfeng, founder, Association of Chinese Citizens

for Monitoring the Government: ”The 'Two Meetings' are simply a rubber stamp or an image project.

Although the CCP has regulations over procedures,

such as legislation, these are nothing more than posturing.”

About three years ago, Tie Feiyan saved four drowning

workers and adopted abandoned infants in Mianyang, Sichuan at the age of 18.

Now she just began to work and still knew little about

how to participate in political affairs.

When she was nominated for NPC delegate,

Tie Feiyan herself said she was very surprised.

Consequently, outsiders bring forward the question,

“Are NPC delegates really elected?”

Liu Ping, independent candidate in Jiangxi: ”If NPC

membership is based on doing righteous things alone, then the standard is way too ambiguous.

Moreover, as an NPC delegate she (Tie Feiyan) has to meet

the expectations of the Chinese people.

If she feels the membership is unexpected, probably she

had no aspiration of becoming NPC delegate at all.”

Contrary to Tie Feiyan, the former 3-term NPC delegate

Chi Susheng, who is a politically active lawyer, was removed from the NPC and failed to continue her membership.

Some reports wrote that the 57-year-old Chi Susheng

is a famous female lawyer.

She does not fear to challenge the authority,

and never stops seeking to implement the rule of law.

Therefore, the CCP regarded her as a “deviant”

inside the regime.

In recent years, she had been deeply involved into some

well-known cases, including false charges over four Guangxi lawyers, Li Zhuang's case, and Li Qinghong's case.

Chi Susheng is the head of Heilongjiang Susheng Law Firm,

getting her doctoral degree at China University of Political Science and Law.

In Li Qinghong's case she was dismissed from the courtroom

for protesting against nted on the spot from anger.

Some Internet analysts wrote, those three cases

finally led to Chi Susheng's being removed from the NPC.

Chi Susheng, head of Heilongjiang Susheng Law Firm:

”Because of my career as a lawyer, I will continue to work toward improving China's legal system, as usual.

I am currently busy working and don't really care much

about my NPC membership.

The news on the Internet is mostly true.

I don't see much problem in them.”

The third female cited in the RFI's article is the 83-year-old

Shen Jilan, who was again “reelected” as an NPC delegate.

As the NPC member for 12 consecutive sessions,

she was called the “living fossil” of the NPC system.

During her decades of NPC membership,

Shen Jilan had voted for any “party's decision.”

Guo Yongfeng: “Under the CCP's governance,

what the party says is always right.

No matter what mistake it had made,

the party is always right.

She (Shen Jilan) always supports the CCP authority

and votes for its decisions.

Therefore she will always be elected until her death,

for as long as the regime is alive.”

An article by Deutsche Welle' Chinese web edition

also remarked that CCP has firm control over the NPC, or the so-called “democratically elected system.”

This is to say, all the delegates are selected by the CCP's

organizational department.

Most of the “elected” NPC delegate have no capability

of participating in political affairs.

Their tasks are simply to raise hands and applaud

whenever the CCP needs them to.

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