Sunday, April 14, 2013


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2013年04月15日讯】前中共总书记在所谓〝全退〞之前,曾两次签署命令,解封5项列作保密、防扩散的档案。解封档案内容主要涉及:1949年 后,中国 发生的各类非正常死亡 人员状况;和中共、政、军与当局的机密情报资料被外洩状况;以及中共党、政、军部门和公职人员,受到所谓〝暗杀〞的事件等。下面一起去了解:




2、解封关于1949年10月1号至1982年底,各地被公安司法部门在拘留审查、服刑劳改 期间,非正常死亡人员状况档案;

3、解封关于1949年10月1号至1980 年底,被中共党政机关、企业单位拘禁、隔离审查期间,非正常死亡人员状况档案;

4、解封关于1949年10月号至1982年底,中共党政军 和国家绝密 、机密、保密情报资料被盗、被外洩状况的档案;





时事评论员汪北稷:〝披露是一件好事情,我认为,披露的讯息应该是接近真实的,我希望这样的讯息越来越多,越多越好。让中共的领导人意识到他们是被人民唾弃的,让中国大陆 的人民知道:反抗暴政 有各种手段,不需要恐惧、不需要害怕,人民推翻暴政是天赋的权利、天赋的!〞


汪北稷:〝包括杨佳 、包括用艺术 的方式反抗中共的!用文字的方式反抗的… 所有这些学员的非暴力、不合作的反抗!也是值得我们鼓励的。〞


在美的〝中国反政治迫害同盟 〞主席认为,大陆公安局的黑社会化、法院的官僚化,公、检、法官员上访 民众被抓、被判劳教,造成民间冤案百出。


汪北稷表示,退出中共组织,是值得鼓励的反抗中共暴政 方式。

汪北稷:〝随着法轮大法学员中心的义工们,在全世界的孜孜不倦的工作,面对中国大陆的传真、电话、网络,更多的人看到了真相,更多人鼓起了勇气,每一个人退党 都会增加他身边人的勇气,也看到别人退党,自己也会获得勇气。所以讲真相,退出这个。最终,中国必将成为一个的中国,而远离共产中国!〞


采访/易如 编辑/周平 后制/陈建铭


Hu Jintao Declassifies Five Confidential Documents Amid Public Uprisings

Former Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao ordered five confidential documents to be released prior to his retirement. These are: unnatural deaths in China, the intelligence leak, and incidents relating to officials murdered since1949.

In the March issue of Hong Kong based magazine, Trends, an article revealed that five confidential documents had been declassified as ordered by Hu Jintao, prior to his retirement.

It is reported that Hu Jintao signed two presidential orders at the end of February and March 1, respectively, to open five confidential files. They are:

Statistics of casualties and economic loss due to natural disasters, between October 1, 1949 and the end of 1992;

files of unnatural deaths occurring during detention by the police and judiciary department ,and labor camp between October 1, 1949 and the end of 1982;

files of unnatural deaths occurring during detention and quarantine by the Party and government organs and enterprises between October 1, 1949 and the end of 1980;

confidential documents leaked and stolen, between October of 1949 and the end of 1982;

files of Communist regime officials, including military and political, killed and attacked by armed violence and assassination between October 1, 1949 and the end of 1982.

Partial data indicated that in those 33 years, there were a total of 3,447 violent, armed attacks on CCP , military, and national institutions and departments.

There were 35 assassination attempts against Mao Zedong, 12 against Liu Shaoqi, 17 against Zhou Enlai, 9 against Zhu De, Lin Biao 8, Deng Xiaoping 11, Song Qingling 4, Hua Guofeng 3, Hu Yaobang 2, Wan Li 2, and Yang Shangkun 3.

However, these declassified files won’t be available to the public. The scope of decryption of the inside story is still limited.

Political commentator Wang Beiji: “This type of information should be disclosed. I believe the report is real. I hope more information will be made available to the public. It tells the Communist leaders that they have been deserted by the people. It tells the Chinese people that there are many means to fight against tyranny. There is no need to fear. It is human rights given by gods to overthrow tyranny! “

Political commentator Wang Beiji stressed that by no means was he advocating or encouraging violence. Rather, the people should be encouraged to object to any anti-human violence exerted by the Communist regime.

Wang Beiji: “People such as Hu Jia and Ai Weiwei, who resist the regime through arts, through writings, and non-violent and non-cooperating resistance by Falun Gong practitioners should all be encouraged.”

Why are there more and more mass protests in China?

Chair of Anti-Political-Persecution Alliance of China, Liu Yingquan commented. He said that it is because of collusion of the public security departments with gangsters, the bureaucracy of the court, and the corruption of officials have caused many injustices and wrongful arrests and imprisonments in China.

Liu Yingquan: “The bureaucracy of the regime, the deteriorating relationships between the officials and the public, the worsening conflicts between cadres and the people, the injustice, the corruption, have all created many victims. Many people have been wrongfully charged and victimized. People have to find their own way out when the proper channel is lacking.”

Wang Beiji indicated that quitting the CCP organizations should be encouraged to resist Communist tyranny.

Wang Beiji: “People have realized the truth about the CCP along with the tireless effort of Falun Gong practitioners and volunteers at the Quit the CCP centers. Those who are encouraged are encouraging many more who surround them as well. With more people quitting Communist organizations, China will soon gain democracy and be free from dictatorship.”

Wang Beiji said that the Communist regime is facing complete disintegration amidst the revolt and resistance of the people. It will soon disappear forever

from the human arena.

采访/易如 编辑/周平 后制/

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