Monday, November 17, 2014

【禁闻】胡德平藉批周永康 向中共提意见?

已故中共总书记胡耀邦的长子,近来多次公开批评前中共局常委周永康 ,以及周永康极力支持的重庆〝唱红打黑〞恐怖。尽管力挺要法治的胡德平身份特殊,还被认为与中共总书记友好,但评论认为,他的主张未必能实现。至于胡德平对周永康的表态,外界又是怎么看呢?一起来了解。

胡德平11月7号在参加〝首届大梅沙中国 创新论坛 〞时说,内一些巨腐大贪,随意践踏法治,严重破坏社会秩序,极大地影响了人们安全感上的心理底线,有段时间让人特别之恐怖。他说自己也是其中之一,在一段时间里,觉得社会怎么成这个样了。

胡德平并没有点名〝巨腐大贪〞是谁,不过他紧接着说,自己在2010年10月曾给周永康写过一封信,一是帮一名老将军反映贪腐问题 ,同时也说明,自己对政治走势、社会秩序、治安极为焦虑。胡德平说,周永康后来最支持重庆的〝唱红打黑〞,每次讲话都给人们一个很恐怖的感觉,不知中国的政法法治要怎么发展。




他说,在重庆〝唱红打黑〞期间,时任前重庆市公安局局长的公开说:〝只要把政治问题变成法律 问题来查,我们就有绝对的发言权〞。胡德平当时除了写信给中共当局,表示这种说法恐怖,后来还公开发表意见,认为主要是司法工作出了问题。





著名政论家、《北京之春》主编胡平 认为,归还人民是应当的,但现阶段不可能实现。


在四中全会结束后,被认为与习近平关系密切的胡德平,多次在各种场合表示对〝依法治国〞的支持,批评薄熙来、周永康等。胡德平上个月底还接任了大陆敢言杂志《炎黄春秋 》的社长,〝自由电台〞的报导说,动用胡德平是为了对付,用〝红二代〞制约〝红二代〞。

采访/易如 编辑/尚燕 后制/葛雷

Hu Deping Criticizes Zhou Yongkang.

Hu Deping, eldest son of the late Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) General Secretary Hu Yaobang, has recently publicly

criticized Zhou Yongkang and his support of ‘sing the red,

hit the gang’ campaign in Chongqing.

Hu Deping, with his special status and a supporter of the

rule of law, is known to be friendly with Xi Jinping.

But, commentators don’t believe his ideas will be realized.

How is his attitude towards Zhou Yongkang

being interpreted?

Let’s take a look.

In a recent innovation forum held in Shenzheng, Hu Deping

indicated, some corrupt officials have trampled the rule of

law and seriously disturbed social order. It has greatly

violated the psychological sense of security, creating terror.

He said as one of those affected, he also questioned what

happened to the society.

Hu Deping did not name the corrupt officials.

He also said that he had written a letter to Zhou Yongkang

in October 2010, addressing the corrupt issues reflected by

an old general, and his own concerns over the political

movements, social order and security.

Hu Deping said, during the time when Zhou Yongkang was

highly supportive of ‘sing the red, hit the gang’ campaign

in Chongqing, his talks would create terror in people

about the development of politics and law in China.

Hu Deping doesn’t believe the various unexpected social

conflicts, will disappear quickly or become class struggle.

He said that the CCP has engaged in many class struggles

in since the regime was established.

Most have been quite unnecessary and meaningless.

They don’t solve any problems. The real problems could

have been solved by different means, the rule of law.

US-based China social issue researcher Zhang Jian: “His talks

are not just about Zhou Yongkang but also towards the CCP.

He expressed his views about the many years of CCP

rule relying on the bloody crackdown on dissidents and

elimination of opponents within the party.”

In an interview with Beijing News on Nov. 13, Hu Deping

again mentioned the Chongqing campaign and rule of law.

He said, during the time when Bo Xilai was engaging in the

‘sing the red, hit the gang’ campaign in Chongqing, former

director of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau

Wang Lijun had openly talked.

Wang said, “As long as the political issue is investigated as a

legal issue, we have the absolute right to speak.”

Hu Deping asked the Central about the horrifying argument;

openly expressed that the judicial system is questionable.

Therefore, he believes that political reform and judicial

reform are becoming more important.

The rule of law will restrict the authority and put the

authority under constitutional review.

The Communist Party must take the lead in being

law-abiding. This is in the scope of political reform.

However, even though rule of law was emphasized during

the Fourth Plenary Session, the conclusion remained.

‘The party’s leadership guides the implementation

of the rule of law.’

Although Hu Deping considered to “constrain the exercise

of power”, “the CCP must take the lead in law-abiding,”

in the scope of political reform, but the commentators

are not optimistic about the achievement.

Zhang Jian: “In China, as long as the CCP rules, the rule of

law will only remain as a dream.

If the party is above the law, then the party must be the

dictator, and an evil one. Because there is no restraint.”

Hu Deping also mentioned the special interest groups

in the Beijing News interview.

He indicated that the groups have occupied property

of the people and the state.

Although they still hold the power, they should be dealt

with according to the law;

Everything stolen should be returned to the people.

Famous political commentator, Beijing Spring editor Hu Ping

believes that giving back to the people is a must.

But, it is impossible at this stage.

Hu Ping: “To return what has been stolen, means a complete

denial of the CCP revolution and reform.

It is also a denial of the Communist one-party dictatorship .

The CCP has plundered twice: The first one was done in the

name of revolution to deprive all individuals’ property.

Then it was done in the name of reform to turn peoples’

property into the property of the powerful elites.

That is what its ruling was built upon.”

After the fourth plenary session, Xi Jinping’s close ally, Hu

Deping, has expressed his support of rule of law on many

occasions, and criticisms of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.

Hu Deping also took over the outspoken magazine

“Yanhuang Chunqiu” as the president last month.

Radio Free Asia reported that Hu Deping has been mobilized

to deal with the Central Propaganda Department;

It is to handle the red second generation with another Red II.

Interview/Yi Ru Edit/Shang Yan Post-Production/Ge Lei

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