Monday, November 17, 2014


》发表后,引发全球三退 大潮,让我们来回顾一下一亿八千万中国 人抛弃中共,重拾中华正信的十年历程。

2004年11月19号,《》开始发表系列社论《九评 共产》,到12月4号,九篇社论全部刊登完。期间,在11月29号,大纪元就已经出现了第一个〝声明〞。


当年的4月21号,在《大纪元》网站 上三退的人数就突破了一百万。、澳洲、等全球各地都出现了〝声援百万人退党 〞的大游行,甚至在大陆,20省市都有民众声援退党。国际媒体也开始关注这个21世纪最重要的大事之一。半年后(2005/10/19),退党人数超过了五百万。

2006年3月,沈阳苏家屯集中营活体摘取法轮功 学员器官,并非法买卖的,由一位证人首次在国际上曝光,引发中国民众震撼。一个月后(2006/4/25),三退人数突破一千万。根据〝全球退党服务中心〞的介绍,这一时期,中共活摘罪行收到强烈谴责,每天都有大量民众声明三退。



Memorable Landmarks in Quitting the Party

Publication of the Nine Commentaries triggered a global tide

of three quits.

Let us review how a million Chinese people regained the right

Chinese faith by abandoning Communism in one decade.

November 19, 2004, The Epoch Times published a series of

editorials “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” until

December 4.

On the November 29, 2004, Epoch had the first resign statement.

In 2005, the Epoch Times re-released the solemn declaration

to urge the quick quit from the Chinese Communist Party


The three quit tide broke out with an average twenty to thirty

thousand people increasing every day.

April 21 of that year, more than one million people quit

through the Epoch Times website.

There were big global parades in US, Europe, Australia,

Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places to support millions

of people quitting the party.

Even in mainland China, people supported resign in 20

provinces and cities.

International media had begun to focus on this most

important event of the 21st century.

Six months later (2005/10/19), over five million people quit

the party.

March 2006, the first witness globally exposed the truth of

live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and

illegal trade in Sujiatun camp, shocking Chinese people.

A month later, more than ten million people quit.

According to the introduction from Global Service Center

for Quitting the CCP, in this period people continuously

strongly condemned CCP crimes and declared to quit.

February 18, 2009, Global Service Center for Quitting

announced more than five million people quit.

It was double within just two and a half years.

August 7, 2011, over one hundred million people quit and

there was an increase of sixty thousand more every day.

Russian politicians, economists, Putin’s former chief economic

adviser Andrei. Illarionov listed the “more than 100 million

Chinese people quitting”, the “Arab Spring” and “Europe’s

economic crisis” as the three most important global events in

ekho moskvy radio station program in 2012 New Year’s Day.

There were one hundred eighty million people quit with

more than one hundred thousand every day in the tenth year

of Nine Commentaries publication.

Ten years ago, the CCP was keeping quiet in face of the Nine Commentaries; and it’s powerless to stop more and more

mainland people quitting.

The three withdrawal tide is disintegrating the CCP, which

brought misery and fear to Chinese society, with unprecedented


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