Thursday, May 2, 2013

【禁闻】官欠澳门赌债30亿 〝做空〞阴谋?

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2013年05月03日讯】官员豪赌,已经不是什么新鲜事了,人们普遍认为,赌博是中共们敛财洗钱、转移贪污钱财的重要手段之一,前〝中国 农业银行〞副总裁杨琨,被披露,积欠赌债30亿元人民币。但又有报导指称,此时外媒放出消息,意在〝做空农行〞,进而〝做空〞中国金融机构。如何呢?下面一起来听听专家的分析。


大陆 《每经网》报导,有观点认为,外媒报导杨琨所欠的30亿元赌债,是被张冠李戴。报导还强调说,此时外媒放出消息,意在做空〝农行〞。


美国〝南卡罗莱纳大学〞艾肯商学院教授谢田:〝因为做空的话,他们也不需要去通过赌场赌博来转移这个钱、准备这个钱。我想外资机构想做空中国的话,原因是他们看到了中国经济存在巨大的问题 ,巨大的风险。就是中国经济在走向崩溃的迹象,这样他们才会把自己的钱押在上面、赌在上面。〞



大陆媒体的报导则说,中国银行战略规划部副总经理、国际金融研究所副所长宗良分析:〝(30亿元)如果是周转资金也有些不可能,每次带上千万资金到澳门,需要输多少次 才能达到30亿呢?企业赞助也很难成立,在国内能拿出30亿元借给杨琨的企业不多。有一种可能性,如果是高利贷利滚利最后形成30亿元欠款,便可以解释通。〞



去年5月,因为〝农行〞内部实名举报 ,时任〝农行〞副行长的杨琨被有关部门带走协助调查,并被有关部门实施边境控制。不久,引述接近高层 的知情人士消息透露,杨琨与原中国人民解放军 副部长私交密切。银行业有关人士指称,〝总后〞资金充裕,一直是银行争抢的客户。有熟悉军方的观察者表示,谷俊山在北京商业中心区拥有非常豪华的宅邸,〝总后〞一些部门的已经到了怵目惊心的地步。

近几年,海外 媒体有关中共官员在赌场的贵宾室公款洗钱赌博的报导,引起了中共当局的关注。当局指派专人到澳门监督官员赌博。赌场老板指称,这并不表示中共当局打击赌业,它们的目标,是那些使用公共资金或国家资产进行赌博的官员。

时事评论专家草庵居士 表示 ,到海外赌博的绝大多数是中共官员,他们掌握公款等资源,经常到海外赌博,因为钱不是自己的钱,是贪污老百姓的血汗钱,所以肆无忌惮,挥霍无度。

采访编辑/常春 后制/李智远

Report of 3 Billion Macau Gambling Debt for CCP Official. Are Foreign Media Telling the Truth?

It is not new news that there is a large gambling problem with Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) officials.

It is thought that gambling is one of the main methods that CCP officials used to launder money, and to transfer money from corruption.

It was reported by overseas media that Yang Kun, former Vice President of the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) owns 3 Billion RMB of gambling debts in Macau.

There are also reports from foreign media about ABC and China’s financial system selling short.

What’s the real story? Let’s listen to the experts.

On April 29, Reuters reported that last year, Macau had 32 Billion USD of income.

Two-thirds of this income comes from casinos and tourism.

Yang Kun, former Vice President of the Agricultural Bank

of China, owns 3 Billion RMB gambling debts in Macau.

The Chinese National Business Daily Website reported on this.

It stated that the 3 Billion RMB gambling debts aren’t owned by Yang Kun.

Overseas media reported that ABC were involved in selling shot.

Xie Tian, a professor of Aiken School of Business,

University of South Carolina, commented.

If a foreign entity is selling short in China’s economy, it will have a great loss.

Xie Tian: “When selling short, they don’t need to go to a casino to transfer and prepare money.

I think if a foreign entity wants to short sell in China,

the reason is because they have seen huge problems within China’s economy, and there’s huge long term risks.

It’s the sign that China’s economy is heading towards collapse. Then they can bet with their own money.”

Inside sources report said the gambling debts that Yang Kun owned are much higher than 3 Billion RMB.

It is actually the total debt, after discount, that given by the casino.

Xie Tian: “CCP officials own such huge gambling debts.

Now there is a report of 3 Billion RMB with Yang Kun. We can imagine that if the Casino asked him to sign a cheque for 3 Billion, he must have spent a

lot more money within his previous win/loss gambling.

It will at least be several Billions, or tens of billions.

In fact, it’s a very worrisome number, which shows that corruption of CCP officials is so widespread.”

However, Chinese media quoted Zong Liang,

Deputy General Manager of the strategic planning department of the Bank of China, and also the Vice Director of the International Finance Institute.

“It’s impossible that the 3 Billion RMB is the working capital.

Also, if he went to Macau with 10 Million RMB, how many times would he need, in order to bring 3 Billion to Macau?

It’s also difficult to find a corporate sponsor because there are few Chinese companies that can give Yang Kun 3 billion RMB.

There’s one possibility, that he borrowed usury, which accumulated the interests and eventually reached 3 Billion.”

The report also questioned that as Vice President of ABC, Yang Kun needed to apply for oversea trip from the central

government. How can he make this trip to Macau?

In addition, Reuters reported that Chinese media had reported many officials laundering money in Macau.

This included Bo Xilai. However, until now, CCP authorities did not make any formal punishments.

Last May, Yang Kun, was taken away by authorities to assist investigations because his name had been reported.

He was banned from leaving China.

Overseas media quoted inside sources who were close to senior leaders.

Yang Kun has a close private relationship with Gu Junshan.

Gu was Deputy Minister of General Logistics Department, of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.

The people from the banking industry said that the General Logistics Department has plenty of money.

They are just the sort of customer that the banks wanted.

Some observers who are familiar with the army said that Gu Junshan has very luxurious mansion in the Beijing business District.

There are shocking levels of corruption among officials of the General Logistics Department.

In recent years, oversea media have reported a lot about CCP officials laundering public money in casino VIP rooms.

This attracted the attention of the CCP authorities.

The authorities sent investigators to Macau,

to check whether there are officials gambling.

Some casino bosses of said that this isn’t because the CCP authorities want to combat the gambling industry.

It aims to apprehend the officials who gamble with public funds or national assets.

Current affairs commentator Cao An said that most of the Chinese who gamble out of China are CCP officials.

They hold access to public funds, and related resources,

and like overseas gambling because the money they use was not earned by themselves, but by Chinese people.

That’s the reason why the officials use it without any limitation and control.

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