Monday, September 8, 2014

【中国禁闻】陆媒热炒苏达仁 剑指曾庆红?



根据这些报导,苏达仁曾经在解放军艺术 学院担任教职,利用军旅中的演艺资源,以〝北大青鸟集团执行总裁〞身份出现,通过向军、政、商界的大佬们,输送美女,组织演艺会,形成了一张巨大的军、政、商关系网。苏达仁在其中,通过介绍人脉、撮合交易,赚取巨额佣金。而交易中却造成大量国有资产,落入这些军政大佬们的腰包。


实名举报 宋林的前《山西晚报》记者李建军曾经披露,香港华润〝宋林案〞涉及的范围,比〝中石油案〞更广,可能涉及比更大的老虎,包括现任,或卸任的〝最高层 〞。而其中的〝卸任的中共最高层〞,外界认为,就是长期掌控香港事务的中共大佬曾庆红。



2007年1月,谭晶新专辑《和谐 之声——谭晶维也纳金色大厅独唱音乐会》,首发式在乔家大院举行,该专辑的总策划人之一,就是曾庆淮。



有报导称,周永康 被抓之后,首先就交待了,2011年春夏之交,江泽民生病期间,自己和曾庆红见面,密谋把薄熙来调回北京〝〞一事。


香港《开放》杂志报导说,中央〝〞,主要调查曾庆红儿子曾伟,鲸吞资产达七百亿的山东〝鲁能集团〞大案,以及曾庆红弟弟曾庆淮,在演艺界的经济问题 。而前一阵好几个演艺人士〝出事〞,就是与〝一号专案〞有关。


北京时政 观察人士华颇:〝是谁拍的上传的?我想绝对不是一般的人物。跟周永康一样,可能中共高层 逐渐的在放风。通过微博等新媒体绕过刘云山,故意放出一些风来。继续有大老虎抛出,不会引起太多的诧异和惊奇,是一种预热过程。〞

今年年初,当中共官媒还在周永康事件上噤声时,《财新网》用巨大篇幅系统 报导了周永康家族的贪腐情况。

采访编辑/刘惠 后制/陈建铭

Mainland Media Heated Reports On Su Daren,

Points to Zeng Qinghong.

After the crackdown on corruption in Shanxi officialdom,

mainland media Caixin published an in-depth report on

a mysterious person, Su Daren.

The report says, Su is a “supreme power broker” among

military, political, commercial, and entertainment circles

in Shanxi Province. Su has unusual ties with many sacked

officials, such as Xu Caihou, Su Rong, and Song Lin.

And with many wealthy businessmen as well.

According to leaked information, Su has close ties with

Jiang’s faction members.

These include Zeng Qinghong, his brother,

and Chen Yuan.

What does Caixin’s report imply? Let’s take a look.

A number of mainland Chinese media, such as Caixin,

Tencent Finance, Sina Finance, and Sohu Finance,

recently reported on a mysterious person that people

don’t know much about. His name is Su Daren.

Su was once an instructor at the People’s Liberation Army

(PLA) Art Academy, and CEO of Beida Jade Bird Group.

Su used the beautiful girls in the PLA art school as sources

for sex bribery, and organized art performances to create a

network connecting military, political and commercial circles,

Chinese reports say.

In the network, Su earnt a huge profit through introducing

people to each other and promoting their businesses.

A lot of state money fell into the pockets of high officials in

the military and officialdom through those businesses.

The reports say Su was taken away by police due to his

involvement in the corruption case of Xing Libin, a coal

supplier in Shanxi this March. Since then, many connected

officials have been sacked.

Su has ties with Song Lin, the disgraced chairman of

state-owned China Resources.

Also with Su Rong, the sacked former party secretary

of Jiangxi Province.

In 2011, under Su’s leadership, China Resources spent

$602 million to buy a supermarket in Jiangxi that only

has $32.6 million net asset.

Former reporter of Shanxi Evening News, Li Jianjun, who

once reported Song Lin’s corruption, revealed that the

range of Song’s corruption is much larger than that of the

PetroChina corruption case.

Song’s corruption may involve higher officials than Zhou

Yongkang, like top level party officials retired or serving.

Speculation says the highest retired official is likely to be

Zeng Qinghong who was in charge of Hong Kong affairs.

Caixin says as Su is close to people in the entertainment

industry, he started to organize performances long ago.

These include hosting concerts for a military singer.

At the time, Xu Zhendong, chairman of Beida Jade Bird

Group, was the producer of the concerts.

Su was then CEO of the Beida Jade Bird Group.

The report says the military singer was

female celebrity Tan Jing.

Speculating rumors say Tan is mistress of Zeng Qinghuai,

Zeng Qinghong’s younger brother.

In January 2007, Tan had a concert at Qiao’s Grand

Courtyard in Shanxi. A producer was Zeng Qinghuai.

Tan also sang at the first International Coal Mine Industry

Equipment and New Energy Expo in Shanxi in 2007.

Where one of the producer was also Zeng Qinghuai.

Tang Jingyuan, political commentator, “the center of the

exposed network is Zeng Qinghong, the ‘strategist’ of

Jiang Zemin, former president and Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) leader.

I think it tells two things. One is that Su’s case involves

large scale of officials,.

This is likely to take down high officials in Jiang’s faction.

Second, Zeng Qinghong in the center of the case is very

likely to be the next target of current president Xi Jinping”

Rumor says right after Zhou Yongkang was arrested he

confessed that he met Zeng Qinghong in spring of 2011.

It was when Jiang was ill, plotting with Zeng to transfer

Bo Xilai back to Beijing to have a coup.

Rumor leaked earlier is that Zeng Qinghong was detained

in Tianjin City, under investigation of the Central Discipline

and Inspection Commission, and Zeng’s son, Zeng Wei

was also put under house arrest.

Hong Kong’s Open Magazine reported that there’s a “central

No.1 project” investigating Zeng Wei’s case, the case of

Shandong Luneng Group embezzling 70 billion yuan, and

Zeng Qinghuai’s corruption in the entertainment industry.

Several performers investigated earlier were all involved in

the “central No.1 project.”

Netizens also exposed on Chinese microblog that many of

Zeng Qinghong’s brothers and sisters served in the military.

Photos posted show Zeng in military uniform.

Hua Po, political commentator in Beijing, “who posted the

photos? I think it can’t be an ordinary person.

It’s possible that the CCP high level is leaking messages,

using media like microblogs to post information intentionally.

There will be more big tigers being sacked. There won’t be

too much surprise. This is just a warm up.”

When the CCP propaganda media was quiet on Zhou

Yongkang’s case at the beginning of 2014 Caixin also

did long reports exposing Zhou and his family corruptions.

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