Thursday, January 22, 2015


下面来关注一下大陆各地的维权 事件。

饮水中毒 广西村民游行被镇压

21号,广西玉林市兴业县石南镇东山村的数百村民游行示威,要求县彻查村民饮水中毒事件,遭到大量殴打、抓捕。据村民发到网上的消息说,东山村日前发生集体 中毒事件,至少有500人因饮水中毒,在水源源头发现大量除草剂,村民怀疑 有人故意投毒。


从今年1月中旬开始,北京近百名民众签名、按手印,营救被非法关押的法轮功 学员庞友。

据〝〞报导,庞友原来是北京奥运村规划办主任,后任洼里乡乡办旭日房地产开发公司经理。1998年因为目睹了患白血病晚期的母亲起死回生的奇迹 ,走入法轮大法修炼,自中共1999年7月20号开始后,庞友因为坚持信仰7次被非法绑架,陷冤狱12年。去年12月5号,庞友陪同亲戚在陕西拜访生意上的朋友,被怀疑发放法轮功材料而再次被非法抓捕。


21号,河南省南阳市镇平县的近万名村民,因为不满普康药业镇平分公司十年排放毒废气、废水污染环境,发起示威,他们推翻工厂大门,砸毁车辆、门窗玻璃、桌椅等大量工厂设备,大批警察到场戒备。在此之前,媒体曾曝光普康药业排放污水、废气的问题 ,当地政府也曾要求企业停止生产,但周边居民发现,普康药业仍然继续生产。


21号,陕西省西安市万象春天楼盘的数百名业主 阻断交通,抗议开发商虚假销售、霸王交房,遭警察镇压,多人被殴打,至少5人被抓捕。

Jan. 22, Thursday

Rights Defending Activities

Let's look at the brave rights defending activities

of the repressed Chinese people.

Poisoned Drinking Water Protest in Guangxi Village Suppressed

Villagers of Yulin City, Guangxi Province, held a mass protest

on Jan. 21.

They demanded a thorough investigation into the poisoning

of drinking water but were met with police beating and arrest.

Villagers posted online that at least 500 villagers of Dongsan Village

have suffered from the water poisoning.

Large amounts of herbicide were found near the reservoir.

Villagers suspected that someone poisoned the water.

Illegally Jailed Falun Gong Practitioner

Beijing Residents Appeal for Release

Nearly a hundred Beijing residents joined a rescue effort

to release a Falun Gong practitioner, Pang Yo,

by signing a petition form and providing their thumbprints.

According to the report of, Pang was once

the Beijing Olympic Village Planning Office Director,

and then a real estate company manager.

He started to practice Falun Gong in 1998 after witnessing

how his mother who had suffered from leukemia

regained her health by practicing Falun Gong.

Since the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999,

Pang has been illegally kidnapped seven times by the regime

and wrongfully jailed for 12 years.

On Dec. 5, 2014, he was once again illegally arrested

when he was on a business trip in Shannxi,

on suspicion of distributing material about Falun Gong.

Henan Mass Protest Against Toxic Waste

Ten thousand villagers of Nanyang City, Henan Province,

held a demonstration at a local pharmaceutical company.

For a decade, Pukang Pharmaceutical at Nanyang Branch

has devastated the local environment by releasing poison gas

and polluted effluent.

Villagers broke into the company and the factory,

and smashed vehicles, and facilities in the factory.

Police were deployed to stay on alert.

Prior to this, the media had exposed the sewage and waste gas

problem of Pukang Pharmaceutical.

The local government also required the company

to stop production.

But nearby residents found the factory continues

its production.

Shaanxi Apartment Owners Arrested for Protesting

Hundreds of apartment buyers in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province,

blocked traffic to protest the developer’s false advertisement

and forced handover of unqualified apartments.

Police were at the scene to suppress the protest.

Many home buyers were beaten

and at least five of them were arrested.

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