Tuesday, January 27, 2015

【禁闻】逾6成假货 官方为何〝开打〞淘宝

国家工商总局日前公布2014年 下半年网购商品的抽查结果,结果显示,网购的正品率不到六成,更点名注册用户超过5亿的淘宝网,假货最多,高达62.75%。官方突然打击淘宝网,是为什么呢?请看报导。

中共国家工商总局1月23号,公布了去年8月到10月网络交易商品定向监测结果,在92项抽样调查的商品中,有54项是正牌货,正品率是58.7%,而强调不卖假货的淘宝网站 被抽查了51项商品,其中只有37.25%是正牌货。若以行业的检测结果来看,淘宝网站的化肥农资,正品率只有20%,而抽样的4支手机,全部是假货。


北京《国情内参》首席研究员:〝马云遭到这样的事情,是中国 大环境的一种必然结果,包括可口可乐,还有包括的一些跨国公司,基本上在中国都遭遇过假冒伪劣这样的产品。中国是一党之下的,这种环境有很大的盲区。〞



而据了解,中共总理李克强在瑞士当地时间21号下午,出席了达沃斯论坛 并发表演讲,现场中外政商界大佬云集,马云也在其中。



北京时事观察人士华颇:〝马云圈子后边非常复杂,他的公司里边,有多个权贵参与 其中,这就是所打击的对像。李克强虽然很看重马云,也不得不抛弃,所以这次李克强在达沃斯会议上冷淡马云,没跟他握手。而且这次政府工作报告座谈会也没有请马云来参加。〞







采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/郭敬

Why Do the Authorities "Begin to Blow" Taobao?

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC)

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently announced

the inspection results of Internet purchased goods

in the second half of 2014, which show that the rate

of quality products purchased via the Internet is less than 60%.

Among all internet suppliers, Taobao

with 500 million registered users was mentioned

with the highest rate of fake products, up 62.75 percent.

Why do the authorities suddenly blow Taobao?

Let's see the story.

On Jan 23, the CCP's SAIC announced

the oriented monitoring results

of online trading commodities

from last August to October.

In a sample survey of 92 commodities,

54 categories of goods are quality products

with a rate of 58.7%.

Whereas Taobao website, which emphasizes no fake goods,

was inspected with a sample of 51 commodities,

but the rate of quality products is only 37.25%.

In terms of the inspection results of Taobao categorized

by industry, fertilizers and other agricultural

capital goods only have 20% quality products,

while the sample of four mobile phones are all fake.

However, last Nov, Jack Ma, the Chairman

of the Board of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group,

just declared, in the World Conference on the Internet,

that Taobao websites have no fake goods.

But unexpectedly, just two months later,

the official data refuted Jack Ma's remarks,

which violently "slapped" Jack Ma.

Mr Gong Shengli is Chief Researcher of the Beijing

"State Conditions for Internal Reference":

"Jack Ma experiencing such a thing is an inevitable result

under China's macro environment.

Some US multinational companies including Coca-Cola

were all reported with fake products in the China market.

China is a one-party government, which has a very large

blind area under such an environment."

Chinese authorities also named to be careful some shops

on Taobao website including "Qianyuange Digital City",

"Tongwan New World Toy Store" "Lego Collection Station"

and "Nobility Fad Shop", and summarized

the four major issues of online shopping.

The CCP Authorities suddenly criticized Taobao,

which attracted the attention of all parties. In fact,

last month the Chinese Feather Industry Association

conducted random inspection on Taobao and Tmall,

which are two online shopping platforms of Alibaba Group.

Among 38 purchased feather dresses from two platforms,

only nine qualified with 23.7% qualified rate.

The Association criticized such feather dresses are

totally not cold-proof nor warm-keeping,

and even cause allergies or asthma and other diseases.

It is understood that the CCP Premier Li Keqiang attended

the Davos forum and delivered a speech

in the afternoon of Jan 21 in Switzerland.

Many Chinese and foreign political and business heads

gathered there, and Jack Ma was among them.

China Mainland "First Financial Network" published

an article entitled "Why Didn't Li Keqiang Shake Hands

with Jack Ma in Davos?", which says that

after the end of the speech, Li Keqiang stepped down

and said hello to the guests on the first row.

Jack Ma also sat in the first row and stood in front

of the seat waiting to shake hands with Li Keqiang,

but Li Keqiang did not approach Jack Ma.

Li Keqiang just turned away and left.

This report has now been removed.

Beijing political watcher Mr Hua Po: "Jack Ma's circle

is very complex. A few bigwigs are involved in his companies,

and those bigwigs are all attack targets for Xi Jinping.

Although Li Keqiang values Jack Ma highly,

he also had to abandon Jack Ma.

So this time Li Keqiang gave him the cold shoulder

in Davos Forum without shaking hands with him.

Furthermore, in the seminar of the government work report

of the State Council,Jack Ma was not invited to attend."

Alibaba Group, founded by Jack Ma, was thoroughly

revealed by "New York Times" last July, which said the

Group had a deep political background, and many

shareholders had the background of the 2nd Red Generation.

The report says that Alibaba shares were sold

to leading institutional investors for raising funds,

which mainly include China's sovereign wealth fund,

and three well-known Chinese investment companies:

Boyu Capital, CITIC Capital, and CDB Capital.

Many descendants of the CCP high-rank officials

took positions at senior executive levels

in these three companies. These high-rank officials

had served as the members

of the Politburo Standing Committee after 2002.

The partners of the Alibaba Group were reported

as including Jiang Zhicheng, who is the grandson

of the former CCP Head, Jiang Zemin, and Liu Lefei,

who is the son of the current member

of Politburo Standing Committee, Liu Yunshan.

Haier, CITIC 21st century, and ChinaVision Media Group,

which were recently acquired by Jack Ma,

are all within the shadow of princelings,

involving the Wang Jun, Zeng Qinghong, Jiang Zemin families.

The majority stake in Alipay, the most valuable asset

of Alibaba Group, is also reported to be controlled

by Jiang Zhicheng, the grandson of Jiang Zemin.

Gong Shengli: "Jack Ma has the most powerful

capital strength, so it is possible for big tigers

(corrupt high-rank officials) all to rely on him.

Currently, if a famous Chinese enterprise has nothing

to do with the tiger, that is to say, if the famous enterprise

has nothing to do with the CCP and government,

then the enterprise has no way to grow up."

Jack Ma climbed up with the Liu Yunshan, Zeng Qinghong,

and Jiang Zemin families. Some critics point out that,

along with the high rank officials of Jiang's faction

that have been caught, Alibaba Group will be destined

for disturbing prospects.

Jack Ma's situation is also particularly

concerning to the outside world.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/GuoJing

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