Tuesday, January 27, 2015


国际记者联会(IFJ)日前公布2014年报,称中国 和香港等地的新闻自由状况,从本来已经恶劣的环境,进入更严峻的状态。评论认为,这与自身的危机感有很大关系。

国际记者联会(IFJ)1月26号,针对当前中国大陆、香港及等地的新闻自由状况,发布年度报告。报告显示,中共当局去年对大陆媒体采用了更多的镇压措施,加强了中国新闻 的审查力度,和网路言论监控,以及骚扰、威吓等。

报告还提到,中共从去年初整肃网路至今,已经有至少2200多家网站 和300多个视频及栏目被关闭,微信等社交网路平台也遭到屏蔽,删除的信息更多达2000余万条。

原《陕西电视台》记者马晓明表示,敢于触犯中共敏感问题 的媒体人,更是被残酷打压,甚至被投入监狱、被杀害等。马晓明本人也因长期关注各个阶层的维权 民众,曝光地府强征、强拆,揭露中共公检法枉法滥权等罪恶,屡屡遭打压。

原《陕西电视台》记者马晓明:〝这十多年来我一直关注这些事情,无偿的把这些事情披露出去,我被打过,打过还不只一次,被扣押过,照相机被没收,胶卷抽出来曝光没收,被审讯、被关押、被劳教这是多次,而且每年像、清明节、六四 纪念日等等,这样的日子就被限制自由。〞


马晓明:〝2014年 12月31号,有上千的集资诈骗受害者在省政府请愿,一个警察和请愿者推搡期间,有一个像是老年的人倒地了,请愿者就往摔倒的人那个地方赶过去,我也就过去了,这个时候就有警察把我给抓住,扣了我有一个小时,照片全被删除才把我放了。〞





自由撰稿人朱欣欣:〝每到它的危机加深的时候,它肯定要对环境进一步的钳制,因为它唯恐人们传播自由媒体的思想,同时对某些进行的事件发表自己的看法,使人们的精神和思想能够自由的交流 ,使民间的思想达到共识,得到统一的时候,很可能转化成具体的行动,所以中共对这十分的恐惧。〞




IFJ在一份声明中提醒中国和香港商业机构,自由及独立的媒体,在商业环境中扮演了重要的角色,新闻自由是一种人权, 媒体必须能在没有恐惧和不受威胁的情况下履行专业职责。


采访编辑/李韵 后制/钟元

IFJ: China Press Freedom Worsens

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) released

the 2014 report of press freedom in Mainland China,

Hong Kong and Macau.

According to the report, the Communist regime has adopted

more repressive measures.

Critics believe it is related to the great sense of crisis

within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

IFJ's seventh annual China Press Freedom Report indicated

that, direct censorship, internet surveillance, harassment

and intimidation are continuing to take place in China.

Further online restrictions in 2014 saw 2200 websites forced

to shut down.

An additional 300 video channels were also forced offline.

On social platforms such as WeChat, at least 20 million

messages were deleted, said IFJ.

Former Shaanxi TV reporter Ma Xiaoming says that

journalists who dare to touch on sensitive issues of the CCP

are being brutally suppressed, imprisoned and even killed.

Ma himself has experienced frequent suppressions

due to his reports of rights defending activities in China,

uncovering forced acquisition and demolition by local

government, and exposing capricious abuse of power

by the CCP legal systems.

Ma Xiaoming: "I have reported on these issues

for more than ten years.

I have been beaten more than once.

I was jailed, my camera was confiscated, my negatives

were exposed and confiscated.

Interrogation, detention, and labor camp are frequent;

especially during the two sessions, the Cold Food Festival,

the Tiananmen Massacre, and etc.,

I would be restricted of freedom."

Ma Xiaoming explains that he has recently been suppressed

again during a local fund-raising fraud report.

Ma Xiaoming: "On Dec. 31, 2014, thousands of the

victims of fraud petitioned to the provincial government.

During the chaos, an elderly fell. We all went to the elderly

but the police caught me and detained me for an hour.

They did not release me until my photos were deleted."

The Committee to Protect Journalists reported

on Dec. 17, 2014 that China is world's worst jailer of the press.

Beijing has also issued more restrictive rules

to international journalists.

During the Occupy Movement in Hong Kong that began in

late September the IFJ noted at least 39 incidents in which

journalists were harassed, assaulted, detained or maliciously

accused by Hong Kong police and anti-Occupy Movement protesters.

A Hong Kong journalist said that interference from Beijing

was "raw and undisguised" with officials based in Hong Kong

putting pressure on reporters during the protests,

and "Most of the media did not offer resistance...

the Hong Kong media have already half-knelt."

Freelance writer Zhu Xinxin analyzes the even more severe

crackdown on the free press is highly related to CCP's

sense of crisis.

Zhu Xinxin: "Whenever its crisis is deepened,

it is certainly further tightening the conditions.

It fears the idea of free press and the expression of views.

When people reach consensus via exchange of ideas

and minds, it frightens the CCP that it could transform

into concrete actions."

Zhu Xinxin says that Hong Kong's occupy movement is a great

shock to the problematic Chinese society.

This democratic movement is a huge threat to the CCP.

According to PEN American Center's report,

Hong Kong's press freedom is increasingly insecure

due to physical violence against journalists

and cyber attacks against online media.

On the morning of Jan. 12, Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai

was targeted by unidentified attackers on Monday,

with petrol bombs at his residence and the office

of the newspaper he founded, Apple Daily.

In February of 2014, the former chief editor of Ming Pao

newspaper, Kevin Lau was shockingly attacked

by unidentified attackers with a cleaver.

The IFJ reminds the business sectors of the Mainland

and Hong Kong that a free and independent press

plays an important role in the business environment.

The IFJ said, "Press freedom is a human right and the media

must be able to perform their professional duties

without fear and intimidation."

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ZhongYuan

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