Wednesday, February 4, 2015

【禁闻】藏区环境遭破坏 中共镇压藏人抗议

自然坏境优美的西藏 地区,有着丰富的矿产和饮用水资源。不过,近年来,多家采矿公司对藏区的大肆开采,导致生态环境不断恶化。海外 研究团体日前发布了一份报告,对当地藏民抗议污染的事件进行了分析,并指控当局对藏人表达环境保护诉求的暴力镇压。





》报导称,抗议的藏人只是寻求当局执行和加强中国 自己的环境,甚至提及中共国家主席关于环境保护的讲话,以避免示威被强加色彩。不过,大多数的抗议活动仍然遭到了暴力镇压。


2013年10月,四川康定县铅矿废水池突然溢出,毒水流进河里造成污染,致大量鱼类和家畜死亡 。当地藏人把死鱼倾倒在当地政府办公地点,要求停止开采。当局却增派大批军警到场戒备,全面封锁手机和网路等通讯渠道。



逃亡印度的藏人边巴泽让表示,对西藏圣山和圣湖的开采,不仅仅是对环境的污染和破坏,也违背了西藏人民的传统 和宗教信仰。



《西藏之声》引述报告内容指出,中共当局采取监禁、巨额罚款和限制行动自由等方式,来连带处罚自焚 藏人的亲属和所属村落社区,并强迫超过200万的藏人农民和牧民搬迁。



另外,西藏委员会(Canada Tibet Committee)已经在1月30号,就中共政府在藏区进行的非法采矿行为,和当地藏人和平请愿遭军警镇压的情况,呼吁在今年6月召开的联合国人权理事会会议中进行讨论,并敦促各联合国成员国和民间共同对中共施加压力,使西藏境内的和平集会和结社自由权能够得到保障。

采访/陈汉 编辑/李明飞 后制/李智远

Tibetan Environmental Protestors Suppressed by

Chinese Communist Regime

Tibet has a beautiful natural environment,

with an abundance of minerals and drinking water.

But in the recent years, several mining companies began to

wantonly harvest the resources of Tibet, resulting in rapid

deterioration of the local ecological environment.

Overseas research groups have just published a report that

examines the protest by Tibetans

against environmental pollution.

The report accused the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

authorities of violently suppressing Tibetans who appealed

for environmental protection.

On Feb. 2, overseas research group, Tibet Watch accepted

a request from NGO, Free Tibet headquartered in London

and drafted a report titled, “Environmental Protests on

the Tibetan Plateau”.

According to a report from Radio Free Asia, the environmental

research group “Tibet Watch” examined 12 incidents of

environmental group protests that occurred in Qinghai,

Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and other Tibetan areas since 2010.

The report analysed that mining is the main reason

for the protests.

Other reasons include the construction of dams

and river pollution.

The Tibetan area is rich in gold, silver, copper, chromium and

other mineral and hydropower resources.

However, these resources met with devastating development,

which caused a rapid deterioration of local ecology.

Tibetans, worried for their environment, began

a series of protests.

According to a report from Voice of America, Tibetan

protesters confined their appeals to environmental issues.

They sought for the CCP authorities to tighten their national

environmental regulations and even relied upon Chinese

President Xi Jinping’s recent speech on environmental

protection to avoid political overtones in their protests.

Nevertheless, a large number of these protests

met with violent suppression.

Pajorsang, a Tibetan who is currently seeking refuge in India:

Most of the mine harvesters have the government’s

seal of approval.

The local people cannot do anything about them.

On the contrary, when the local people appeal to the

government, they are immediately labelled as

counter-revolutionaries or separatists.

You will be arrested, beaten or put to death.

Such cases are very common.

In October 2013, Szechuan Kangding county galena’s wastewater

pond suddenly began to overflow and its toxic water flowed

into the river, causing severe pollution.

Large numbers of fish and livestock died.

Local Tibetans dumbed the dead fish at local government

quarters to demand a stop to the mining.

Instead, the local authorities deployed a large number of

riot police to stand by at the scene and completely severed

mobile, internet and other communication channels.

In August that year, Zadoi county of Qinghai province

protested against the local authorities for mining the

white diamond mineral resources.

A large batch of riot police were dispatched and dispersed

the protesting group through beating, tear gas and shooting.

In July, 2014 at Yunnan Deqin county, Gongla mountain was the

subject having historical significance as a place of worship

and faith in Tibetan religion, was forcibly mined.

Tibetans headed to the mine to demand a stop to the mining,

but were violently beaten and suppressed by

hundreds of police.

The person in charge of the mining company even proclaimed

that if the Tibetans continue to protest, the authorities will

have “sufficient reasons” to beat them to death.

Tibetan refugee Pajorsang also said that not only does the

mining of the Tibetan holy mountain and sacred lake cause

pollution and destruction to the environment, it is also home

to Tibetan tradition and faith.

Pajorsang: Tibet is a highland.

It is very hard for its trees and vegetation to grow back once

they are destroyed.

In Tibet, the concept of environmental protection is

related to religion.

In our religion, you cannot harm any part of the ecology,

be it an animal, a plant or a mountain.

It is forbidden.

Human Rights Watch headquartered in New York recently

published, the 2015 Human Rights Report on Jan. 29.

According to this report, as cited by Voice of Tibet,

the CCP authorities used imprisonment, heavy fines and

restrictions of movement to punish the relatives of the

Tibetans who self-immolated, and their village communities.

It also forcibly displaced more than 2 million Tibetan

farmers and herdsmen.

Tibetan author Snow Lotus believed that the ideology of

“man over heaven” espoused by the CCP is fundamentally

in conflict with the beliefs of the Tibetan people.

Snow Lotus: If only the CCP government understood the

true situation of Tibet, they would know that its environment

has sustained its people for many millennia.

You must understand the belief system of the native born.

Some of the things that they do are, in your opinion, stupid

and backward, but are they really so?

Or can it be knowledge gathered from life experiences

of countless generations?

The illegal mining activities by the CCP government in

Tibet area and the police’s violent suppression of peaceful

Tibetan protestors have caught the attention of the

Canada Tibet Committee.

On Jan. 30, the Committee requested for this matter

to be brought to the UN Human Rights Council session

held in June this year for discussion.

It also urged the UN member states and the civil societies

to exert joint pressure on the CCP and ensure that the

Tibetans’ rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and

association are protected.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Li Minfei Post-Production/Li Ziyuan

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