Wednesday, December 24, 2014


2014年 将走进尾声之际,中国 股市经历了一场戏剧性的高涨回落。大盘仅用五周左右时间,从2400点上涨到3000点,之后出现骤降暴跌,过山车式的股市行情,让中国股民在寒冬里着实经历了一场躁动。外界提出质疑,中国的股市大起大落,到底是谁在操纵?

在中国股市近期上涨之际,中国证券监督管理委员会(China Securities Regulatory Commission)正在调查可能的股价操纵行为。首批卷入调查的18只股票,包括中科云网、百圆裤业、兴民钢圈、山东如意、湖南发展、铁岭新城等全线跌停。目前,涉嫌操纵股市的机构和个人已被立案调查。

》特约经济评论专家杰森.马:〝中国股市归根到底还是想办法给自己的企、央企、企业融资的大环境,它不希望这个地方彻底做得太烂,基于这样的目的,它要维持一点股市的秩序,换句话说,它就得要把长年以来在中国股市存在的操纵股价的行为来打击一下,至少你要在街上能让生意做好 ,总得把一些地痞流氓 打击,或者压制压制,但是它的根本目的是为了要给央企、党企融资。〞


12月5号,沪深两市成交突破万亿大关,创出历史 新高。12月8号,沪指在时隔44个月后重上3000点大关。12月9号,股市在〝疯牛〞狂飙般逼近3100点之后骤降,跌幅5.43%,创2009年8月31号以来的最大单日跌幅,多家个股跌停。股民用〝满仓踏空〞、〝涨停跑输〞来形容这一轮的股市暴涨暴跌。







采访/易如 编辑/黄亿美 后制/建铭

Who Is Controlling The Chinese Stock Market?

As the year 2014 comes to a close, the Chinese stock

market experiences a dramatic roller coaster ride.

Within a mere 5 weeks, the market rose from 2,400 points

to 3,000 points before plummeting all the way down.

The highly erratic scene at the stock market made Chinese

investors all the more uneasy and restless in the chilly winter.

The outside world is beginning to question, who is

manipulating and controlling the dramatic rise and fall

of the Chinese stock market?

During the recent rise in the Chinese stock market,

the Securities Regulatory Commission of China investigated

possible manipulative behavior over stock prices.

The first batch of 18 stocks rolled into investigation include

“Zhongke Cloud Network”, “Baiyuan Legwear”,

“Xingmin Wheel”, “Shandong Ruyi”, “Hunan Development Co”,

and “Tieling New City”.

They have been suspended on the stock market.

At present, organizations and individuals suspected of

manipulating the market have already been rounded

up for investigation.

Jason Ma, NTD TV economic analyst: “The bottom line is that

the CCP wants to maintain a positive environment

for investment to fund its party organizations, central

enterprises and other state owned enterprises (SOE).

It does not want to completely mess up the investment scene.

Therefore, it wants to enforce a certain degree of order

in the stock market and its first step is to give the manipulative

elements that have been influencing the Chinese stock

market all these years a big hit.

If you want to run business properly on the streets,

you have to exert some control and pressure

over the street thugs.

However, its ultimate aim is to attract financing

for its state owned and party owned enterprises.

According to public information, the Chinese stock market

experienced a rare short-term “spike” phenomenon

towards the end of 2014.

On 5th December, the turnover for Shanghai and Shenzhen

exceeded the one trillion mark, creating a new record in history.

On 8th December, the stock index climbed to the 3,000 point

milestone after 44 months of slumber.

On 9th December, the stock market suddenly plummeted

after a brief bull rush towards the 3100 point.

The fall of 5.43% was the highest single day decline

since 2009 and many stocks hit rock bottom.

The community of investors described this stock market spike

as ‘empty and useless hope.’

Jason Ma: “It is common knowledge that the Chinese stock

market is like a casino.

It is not a place to get stable and long term returns.

Without a larger investment strategy or outlook,

everyone jumps in just to have a try.”

Some netizens commented that the Chinese stock market

has a shady management and it is inferior even to a casino.

They cited a few examples in 2014.

Cangjiu Fertilizers, stock code 600228, undertook backdoor

trading in Ganzhou rare earth.

The farce eventually ended after 10 steep falls in its stock.

Changhang Oil Supply, stock code 600087, was a grand

central SOE.

It engaged in national supply of oil and was perceived

by many as a fountain of wealth.

However, in the consolidation phase, its stock price

plummeted and it had to exit the A-share market,

causing heavy loss to small-medium investors.

Another heavy equipment company, code 601268, incurred

losses year after year and had to exit the A-share market

after 4 years of listing.

This central SOE is the fastest enterprise

to delist from the Chinese stock market in history.

Professor Frank Xie from University of South Carolina,

Aiken School of Business: “These financial frauds are very

common in China.

I feel that on the whole, ordinary Chinese people lack

basic education in financial literacy.

Many of them do not appreciate the risks of financial products.

They put blind faith in the CCP and believe in the CCP-owned


They even believe in the employees and officials working

in these banks.

Their trust is completely misplaced.”

Wall Street Journal reported that the rise in Chinese stock

market is driven by the relaxation of policy over short term

investments and speculations, rather than genuine belief

in the long term outlook of the Chinese economy.

Jason Ma: “Everyone knows that the Chinese stock market

is driven by policies dictated by the CCP.

Therefore, the Chinese stock market does not reflect

economic performance, but rather, the state of party policy.

A policy is far more powerful than economic data.

Everyone knows that in China, data can be fabricated,

and a policy can shut down any field overnight.”

Finance writer Wu Xiaobo said it once:

The standard of Chinese stock market is not based on value

creation, technological innovation, industrial progress

but rather, “commentaries from the People′s Daily,

shell resources, M&A themes and the interests of SOEs”.

He said that this stock market is a deformity

ever since its inception.

Just like what Milan Kundera said, “The reality is more

complicated than what you can imagine”.

The stories behind the stock market in China

are often darker than you think.

Interview/Yi Ru Edit/Huang Yimei Post-production/JianMing

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