Sunday, January 4, 2015


2014年 91位法轮功 学员被迫害致死

转眼就到了2015年,而中共对法轮功学员的镇压和迫害自1999年开始,至今仍在继续,丝毫没有减轻。2014年间,在中共〝〞办公室的操控下,中国 大陆的法轮功学员继续遭到骚扰、恐吓、威胁、绑架、抄家、非法关押和酷刑折磨等迫害。




山东暴力强征 村民年前悬梁自尽


据报导,王立现所在的胜家村被当地政府列入项目,但是因为拆迁 补偿过低,遭到村民们的强烈抵制。


据报导,为防止王立现的家人和村民出去上访 控告,目前当地政府已经监控了王立现的家人,并封锁了出村的道路。

去世十年 骨灰仍未入土

2015年1月17号是中共前总书记赵紫阳 去世10周年忌日,目前,海外 一些团体已经开始筹备举行相关纪念活动。


目前赵氏夫妇的骨灰依旧放在北京富强胡同6号家中,知情人士说,官方阻止骨灰下葬的原因,是怕有了墓碑 后,人们会去悼念和瞻仰。

赵紫阳在1989年 〞事件中,因为同情学生,反对武力镇压,而被中共免去一切职务,最终在软禁中度过了生命的最后15年。


91 Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted to Death in 2014

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been persecuting

Falun Gong practitioners for 16 years.

The situation had not taken a turn for the better in 2014.

Falun Gong practitioners still faced harassment,

intimidation, abduction, property confiscation, illegal

detention and torture at the hands of the CCP’s 610 Office.

According to Minghui (, there have been

continuous reports of Falun Gong practitioners’ deaths

under severe persecution.

In 2014, it was confirmed that 123 practitioners

were persecuted to death.

91 passed away in 2014 and 17 passed away in 2013.

Another 15 died before 2013, but their deaths

were not confirmed until 2014.

This is to say, about 15 mainland Falun Gong practitioners

were persecuted to death every two months in 2014.

The report also stressed that there were still many

uncovered persecution cases due to the CCP’s

information block.

The statistics do not reveal the complete picture

of the deadly tortures to Falun Gong practitioners

in mainland China.

Shandong Villager Hung Himself at Home: Intimidated by Forcible Demolition

On Jan. 3, a Chinese Human Rights Defender website

reported the story of Wang Lixian, a resident

of Shengjia Village, Fei County, Shandong Province.

Wang hung himself at home on Dec. 31, faced with

pressure of home demolition intimidation enforced

by the local CCP government.

The report said that Shengjia Village, where Wang’s home

is located, has been included in a home demolition project

by the local government.

However, the plan encountered strong resistance from

local residents, who were only given little competion.

Before New Year’s Day, demolition officers intimidated

Wang Lixian, saying that his home would be forcibly

destroyed if he refused to sign the project agreement.

On the afternoon of Dec. 31, Wang learned that the

demolition office had prepared 50 vehicles and 200 people

to demolish his home.

In desperation, Wang hung himself at home.

The report said the local government had been monitoring

Wang’s family to prevent them from petitioning.

All roads leading out of the village were also blocked.

Ten Years After Zhao Ziyang Passed Away, Ashes Left Unburied

Jan. 17, 2015 will mark the 10th anniversary of former

CCP secretary-general Zhao Ziyang’s passing.

Some overseas groups are currently preparing

to commemorate Zhao with events.

A Radio Free Asia report quoted sources who revealed

that Zhao Ziyang’s ashes were still left unburied.

Zhao’s family requested many times that

Zhao’s ashes be buried with his wife.

However, the CCP responded that this would

only be done at the “proper” time.

Currently Zhao Ziyang couple’s ashes are still kept

at their home, located at No. 6, Fuqiang Hutong in Beijing.

Sources close to Zhao’s family said the CCP has not

agreed to bury Zhao and his wife as they are afraid

of Chinese people’s mourning and paying respects

at his gravestone.

During the June Fourth Incident in 1989, Zhao Ziyang

showed sympathy for student protesters

and opposed violent suppression.

For that reason, he was dismissed permanently and spent

the last 15 years of his life under house arrest.

Edit/Zhou Yulin

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